Here's the latest in the tag gay activism

BREAKING: 13 activists arrested in Sen. Durbin’s office

Thirteen LGBT rights activists from Chicago were arrested Thursday morning during a sit-in in Senator Durbin’s office to encourage the Senator to become a leader on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the Senate. The activists […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 3

Cyndi Lauper “Gives a Damn” about LGBT Youth; will open shelter

40% of homeless youth self-identify as LGBTQ, but New York doesn’t have any LGBT-specific homeless shelters to protect this special population and meet their needs. That’s not “Good Enough” for Cyndi Lauper, who is planning to use her True Colors Fund to raise the cash to open an $11Million LGBTQ homeless shelter in Harlem

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 0

FOFA #829 – Stoking the Fire

Rick Stokes did what almost every gay man in Kansas did back in the 1950s- he got married to a woman. His wife knew that he had a number of gay experiences before they got […]

FOF #829 – Stoking the Fire

Rick Stokes did what almost every gay man in Kansas did back in the 1950s- he got married to a woman. His wife knew that he had a number of gay experiences before they got […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 13

FOF #401 – The Face of Gay Activism

This Saturday, hundreds of people in Chicago will gather to march around the straight areas of town in order to remember the young gay college student Matthew Shepard, and the public’s outrage at his brutal […]

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Politicians/Activists 18 years ago 0