Here's the latest in the tag hillary clinton

FOF #1729 – All Eyes Are on Honduras

Since a government coup in 2009, some 87 LGBT Hondurans, including many of their top leaders, have been the victim of a systematic campaign of targeted hate crimes and political assassinations.

Today we’re joined by one of Honduras’ LGBT rights leaders, Jose “Pepe” Palacios, who is currently traveling the US speaking about the struggle for equality in Honduras.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism 12 years ago 6

FOF #1495 – Pimp Daddy Christmas

Once upon a time there were two gay men who happily lived in a little apartment on the north side of a big city. One Christmas they hot glued a ton of red garland onto an oversized coat and a magical costume was born, Pimp Daddy Christmas.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast 13 years ago 4

Rage Comic Sums Up Hillary Clinton’s Speech at U.N.

I’m slowly becoming a fan of rage comics and I love how beautifully this one exemplifies Hillary Clinton’s speech to the U.N. on gay rights and how the haters react. Source

Posted in: Image, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Jokes About Accepting Crappy Gifts as Sec. Of State

I LOVE HILLARY!! (I kinda like Obama.)  She is sincerely funny in this!

Posted in: Culture & Style, Embed, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 2

FOF #718 – Too Soon to Tell

Folks, we stayed up till the wee hours of the night trying to report back to you on who won. What was the outcome of this difficult decision? It seems at this point the country […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 24