Here's the latest in the tag little shop of horrors

FOF #2961 – Karen Lewis’ Big Mouth is Big Trouble

Karen Lewis’ big mouth is getting her into big trouble. Designed like a giant mouth with fangs for the Burning Man festival in 2005, Karen’s giant interactive sculptural bed is just waiting for some lucky owner to sink their teeth into it.

Today artist Karen Lewis joins us to talk about “The Bed in Your Head,” her big fluffy mouth shaped bed sculpture that’s got a life of its own, and why people are obsessed with this big giant mouth.

Plus– a salute to big mouths in movies, from Jaws to Rocky Horrror and Audrey 2 to the Aliens Xenomorph, why are so many of them queer icons?

Posted in: Artists, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2893 – Howard Ashman: the Man Who Gave a Mermaid a Voice and a Beast a Soul

After several box office bombs in the 80s, Disney considered never making animated musicals again.

Thankfully, after playwright and lyricist Howard Ashman’s successful musical comedy Little Shop of Horrors, Disney asked him to work with them and launched the Disney Renaissance.

Today musical theater enthusiast Jake Bellisimo from the YouTube channel Dreamsounds joins us to take a look at the amazing musical legacy of Howard Ashman, queer coding in Disney films and Beauty and the Beast as an allegory for society’s betrayal of people with AIDS.

Posted in: Podcast, Video Bloggers, YouTube Celebrities 4 years ago 1

FOF #2136 – Mad About the Minj

A lot of folks are rooting for the SHE-larious Ginger Minj from RuPaul’s Drag Race to become America’s Next Drag Superstar. Will Ginger be the first thick and juicy gal to win it?

Today Ginger Minj serves up all the T, all the shade and even a glass of pink lemonade on RuPaul’s Shakesqueerean tragedy, Jasmine Masters’ two suitcases filled with food and Pearl’s wake up call.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 10 years ago 4