Here's the latest in the tag martin shkreli

FOF #2269 – A Modern Christmas Carol

Just in time for Christmas- Martin Shkreli, the bro-CEO, who’s the most hated man on the Internet, has been arrested for engaging in what prosecutors say was a Ponzi-like scheme at hedge fund he ran and at a pharmaceutical company he once headed.

Today, on our next to the last show of the year, we’re talking about forgiveness, peace and joy. with the fabulously Vine superstar Meg Grunewald.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2266 – My Fundamental Mom & An Ode to the Bone

Comedian Marla Depew grew up as a Evangelical Fundamentalist, but thankfully her family’s grown to embrace her bisexuality. Marla even bought her mom a vibrator, which got everybody buzzing.

Her gal pal Kelly Bolton, loses herself in the colorful world of sketch comedy with one of her more memorable characters, Andy Drogymous, a drag king who writes “Odes to the Bone” – poetry about our favorite things, johnsons.

Today we’re double dating with Marla and Kelly, talking about majestic boner poetry and fundamentalist sex kitten moms.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2263 – Take Our Christmas Quiz

As they said on the Simpsons, Christmas is the season where people from all religions come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is like an air raid siren during the holiday season, no matter how hard you try, it’s hard to ignore.

Today, gay Jewish rapper Big Dipper joins us to take our insane Christmas quiz. Can you guess which oddball Christmas traditions are real or just really weird?

Posted in: Musicians, Podcast 9 years ago 4

FOF #2220 – Big Pharma’s Biggest Jerk

Folks are fuming mad at Martin Shkreli, a hedge fund millionaire who’s made the news by buying a Daraprim, a vital AIDS and cancer drug,then raising the price a whopping 5000%.

Today we take a look at the Internet’s new public enemy #1 who may ultimately inspire people to demand universal healthcare.

Posted in: Podcast 9 years ago 3