Here's the latest in the tag Performance Art

FOF #2637 – Will Hannah Gadsby’s “Nanette” Change Comedy for Good?

Hannah Gadsby’s solo show “Nanette” is unlike no other comedy special you’ve seen before and may be the most important performance of the decade.

Today comedian Colette Gregory joins us to reflect Hannah Gadsby’s landmark performance “Nanette.” Colette is a trained mental health counselor who works on a wide variety of fields including LGBT folks and sexual assault prevention, and has a lot of insight into this powerful performance.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2624 – Wild, Juicy, Messy and Miss Understood

The early 90s were wild, messy and outrageous times. Performance artists were challenging their audiences with scandalous work that often was misunderstood.

Today New York City drag legend Miss Understood joins us to take a look at the outrageous acts of performance artists and drag queens of the early 90s and how a prom dress caused such a confused controversy over cultural appropriation on the Internet.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 6 years ago 0

PHOTOS: Amazing Thanksgiving Balloon Animals

My favorite kind of performance art is the kind that involved lots of balloons. Check out this amazing artist who every day on her blog makes a new balloon animal.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images 11 years ago 0

Ladies and Gentleman: The Hood Thong

All the sexiness of a hoodie with all the street cred of a thong! From here.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images 13 years ago 1

FOF #1344 – Dating in the Digital Apocalypse

Today our friend Michael Titus Parkes, app designer and performance artist, walks us down the memory lane of the Internet and gives us an in-depth look at how the rapidly changing digital world is effects us and our relationships.

Listen as we talk about how YouTube is the new performance art scene and the five type of photos you need to make a sexy connection online.

Posted in: Artists, Culture & Style, Interviews, Podcast, Technology 14 years ago 2

IMAGE: Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under

This is FoF’s Middle Earth correspondent with the latest dispatch from Wellington, New Zealand. Amanda Palmer (formerly of the Dresden Dolls) and partner-in-crime Jason Webley are taking the capital by storm this weekend, with concerts […]

Posted in: Images, Music, People, Technology 14 years ago 1

Lady GaGa Talks About Actual Performance Artist Marina Abramovic

OMG she is totally limitless.  She has no limits.. like in every way.  I do not posses the limitless brain that she does.  She is so free.  To be free is to be limitless.  Boundless.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans, People, video 14 years ago 2