Here's the latest in the tag rescue

Lesbian Couple Saved 40 Teenagers During Norway Terrorist Attack

Hege Dalen and her partner Toril Hansen  were eating supper in the camping area opposite Utoya island when they started hearing gunshots and screaming. Dalen and Hansen drove their boat to the island, and fished […]

Posted in: Images, News & Rumors, People 13 years ago 8

VIDEO: Cuteness Overload! Rescued Baby Humingbird

A super cute young guy found a baby humingbird, and nursed it and raised it up.  He even had a hand in teaching it to fly.  SO SWEET!!

Posted in: Animals, People, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Kitten Rescued After Being Flushed Down the Toilet

VIDEO: Epic five-hour flushed kitten rescue Hope this little girl doesn’t grow up to be a serial killer.

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 1