Here's the latest in the tag satire

Mark Zuckerberg Hates Cats

Mark Zuckerberg hates cats, I just know it. Facebook uses a ranking algorithm to figure out what gets displayed on your friend’s feed- videos get priority, then come links to other websites, then your personal […]

Posted in: Technology 14 years ago 2

U.S. Military Ads Targeting Gays Feature Village People “In the Navy”

So now that gays and lesbians (and bi folks too) can serve openly in the U.S. Military, will recruiters approach LGBT Youth community centers or run ads in LGBT press or even in gay bars? […]

Posted in: Music, News & Rumors, Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 0

VIDEO: Innapropriate at a Funeral

Has this happened to you at a funeral???

Posted in: Culture & Style, Embed, Videos 14 years ago 3

Final Solution for Gays in Utah, or is It?

I have to hand it to whoever came up with this one, becasue kids it is fucking brilliant! Some enterprising and creative activists in Utah have turned the bright lights of poltical theater on how […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

The Truth About Online Dating Sites

Last year cabaret artist Holger Edmaier published a video on how to improve your results on Gayromeo, a Germany gay dating site. Now there is English dubbed version. It is satirical take on modern gay […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, People, video 15 years ago 1

“The Other Family” – “The Family Circus” With a Sadistic Twist!

I’m quite certain that many of us had parents who cut out and pasted “The Family Circus” cartoons on their refrigerators when we were much younger.  The comic, which features members of the Keane family […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Trends 15 years ago 5