Here's the latest in the tag sexy

Sexy CK Underwear Add Asks if You Want to See a Guy’s *Beep*

I love that hulu put on a commercial targeted at gay men! How do I know it’s for gay guys? Well, after asking you if you want to see his *beep* he then asks what […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Hunks, video 15 years ago 4

Star Trek- Edited to Be Sexy or Funny?

That’s a lot of Star Trek to go through! –Via

Posted in: Science Facts & Fiction 15 years ago 2

FOF #966 – How to Marry a Millionaire

Callooh! Callay! Iowa and Vermont join Massachusetts and Connecticut as states legalizing gay couples to marry! Even Washington D.C. is getting in on the gay fun by recognizing same-sex marraiges. A domino effect may be […]

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 16 years ago 6