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FOF #2957 – James Fritz Takes On Cryptocurrency and Safe Spaces

Cryptocurrency- anything can be used as cash if you get creative enough: cigarettes in prison, jugs of Tide detergent to pay your dealer, your body and soul at work, or cryptocurrency. When something is highly desired and in limited quantity, it can be used as money, honey.

Today James Fritz, who was called the funniest comedian in Chicago a decade ago, comes back on the podcast to look at the weird world of cryptocurrency and the controversy surrounding Elon Musk hosting SNL.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2907 – Sherry Vine and Jackie Beat Fill Up The Cart on Supermarket Sweep

The TV game show Supermarket Sweep is back on the air on Sunday nights on ABC with SNL star and Drag Race judge Leslie Jones as the show’s host. To make the grocery themed quiz show even wilder they got two of the funniest drag queens, Jackie Beat and Sherry Vine, to join in as contestants competing for $100,000.

Their episode was absolutely she-larious, as Jackie’s quips cracked up the show’s host and Sherry Vine served up women of Wall-Mart meets Hollywood sex worker glamour.

Today Sherry Vine joins us from her pink boudoir in Burbank, California to talk about how she first met Jackie Beat 30 years ago and their hilarious appearance on the reboot of Supermarket Sweep.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2906 – Everybody Rejoice

Over the weekend folks took to the streets to celebrate as news organizations like Feast of Fun and the Associated Press declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

But being the sore loser he is, Trump hasn’t conceded, sending his goon Rudy Guilani to the Four Seasons… Total Landscaping company to let the world know they’ll fight this in court.

Today we look at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ victory, the celebrations in the streets, and what to expect until the inauguration in January.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

BONUS: Pageant Queen Aurora Sexton Looks at the 1968 Documentary The Queen

One of the most influential LGBT documentaries of all time is The Queen, Frank Simon and Flawless Sabrina’s 1968 film that takes the viewer behind the scenes of a tumultuous drag pageant held in New York City two years before the Stonewall riots.

Today, Miss Gay U.S. of A pageant winner, Aurora Sexton, joins us to look at drag pageants over the decades and what it takes for a gal to make it big in the pageant circuit.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2838 – Siobhan Tuck’s Last Meal on Earth

Imagine this: you’re guilty of the crime and the sentence is death. But before you go, one last wish, what do you order for your last meal on earth? In the United States, some prisons serve a “special request” last meal, a ritual intended not to comfort the condemned but to soften the harsh fact for society that a human being is about to be killed.

Today comedian Siobhan Tuck joins us to take a look at death row inmates last meals, which usually consists of steak, fried chicken, large amounts of unpopular flavors of ice cream, and large bowls of fruit.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2824 – Pageant Queen Aurora Sexton Looks at the 1968 Documentary The Queen

One of the most influential LGBT documentaries of all time is The Queen, Frank Simon and Flawless Sabrina’s 1968 film that takes the viewer behind the scenes of a tumultuous drag pageant held in New York City two years before the Stonewall riots.

Today, Miss Gay U.S. of A pageant winner, Aurora Sexton, joins us to look at drag pageants over the decades and what it takes for a gal to make it big in the pageant circuit.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 5 years ago 2

FOF #2704 – The Sex Appeal of a Banana Split

One of most outrageous sex scenes in Hollywood is in the film 9½ Weeks where Mickey Rourke slathers Kim Basinger with all kinds of sticky food in front of the open refrigerator door.

Some folks find it sexy and others proclaim ”what a mess!”

Today we take a look at aphrodisiacs in food and sex. What’s in your kitchen that will make your bedroom hot as an oven?

Posted in: Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2449 – Jeffrey Jay is Cooking up Trouble

The documentary TV series, My Trans American Road Trip, our friend, comedian Jeffrey Jay’s dad Mark got a lot of attention for being loveable and for his unusual explanation on why everyone must embrace transgender people.

Today Jeffrey Jay talks about his amazing dad and his obsession with Cooking shows on YouTube.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag & Trans, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2212 – Terry Sweeney’s Irritable Bowels

Men in drag has always been a staple of TV comedy, but audiences felt safe knowing that the man in the dress was really straight, that is until Terry Sweeney came along to play Nancy Reagan on SNL.

Today Terry Sweeney joins us to talk about his new memoir: Irritable Bowels and the People Who Give You Them.

FOF #2117 – Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful

Many people view the idea of getting into a relationship with a hot sexy guy with grave trepidation. They fear they’ll ultimately get rejected for not measuring up.

And guess what? They may be right. At least according to a new study, which says handsome men are more inclined to be selfish making them more likely to get away with murder.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 0