Here's the latest in the tag spock

Star Trek is for Lovers – What the Trek? #7

Time gets loopy in the latest episode of Star Trek Discovery- ‘Magic To Make The Sanest Man Go Mad’ as space swindler Harcourt Fenton Mudd tries to steal the Discovery’s secrets.

What the Trek? Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

Make Vulcan Great Again – What the Trek? #6

In the latest episode of Star Trek: Discovery, “Lathe,” we get a glimpse of just how racist and deceptive Vulcans can be. Ambassador Sarek is almost killed by an undercover “logic extremist” who wants to Make Vulcan Great Again?!

What the Trek? Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

FOF #2129 – Dance as if Everybody is Watching & Loving It

A thick and juicy guy dancing at a concert has become an internet sensation after Internet trolls posted photos of him first dancing happily to the music and then later hanging his head in shame when he noticed some mean folks laughing at him.

Usually the story ends here, but folks on the Internet have led the charge to turn the Dancing Man’s frown upside down by raising over $35,000 dollars to throw him a big party.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 1

FOF #2125 – The Search for Spock

Farewell Leonard Nimoy, you have been, and forever shall be our friend. The legendary man who made famous Mr. Spock from Star Trek, died on Friday at age 83.

Today, Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at the extraordinary actor who made Mr. Spock into one of history’s greatest TV characters.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 9

FOF #2026 – The Burn Book Goes Digital

It was bound to happen. Someone has made a an app just like the Mean Girls “Burn Book.” Secret, the hot new app that allows users to anonymously share secrets has nabbed 25 million dollars in venture capital.

Will Secrets ever become a Wikileaks app for Hollywood?

Today social media socialite Tommy Holl joins us to take a look at the hot new Secret App, and why people love to gossip.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 5

IMAGE: Spock Streisand

Live long and prosper.

Posted in: Divas, Science Facts & Fiction 13 years ago 0

FOF #1462 – Set Your Phasers on Fabulous

Everyone’s buzzing about actor Zachary Quinto, best known as Spock in Star Trek, for revealing what may have been one of Hollywood’s worst kept secrets- Yep, Spock is gay!

Today we’re talking to columnist, web guru Tony Merevick, on life lessons for bloggers – how to get people interested in what you have to say and how to make awesome content.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 13 years ago 2

Star Trek Town

The town of Vulcan in Alberta, Canada may as well be called Star Trek Town. Even though the town was named after the Roman god of the forge long before the Star Trek television show aired, residents have taken to the sci-fi franchise like nobody’s business.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Television, Travel 15 years ago 0

Chicago Star Trek Convention in 1975

Rare 8mm film of the 1975 Star Trek convention uploaded to Youtube. –Via

FOF #985 – Welcome to Planet Larry La Fountain

Some queer Puerto Ricans feel as if they’re from another planet- strangers in a strange land no matter where they go. Negotiating between cultures gives us fresh eyes with which to seek out the infinite […]