Here's the latest in the tag sxsw

VIDEO: Pee-wee Talks About his Comeback at SXSW

At SXSW 2011, Paul Reubens, dressed up as Pee Wee Herman talked about his upcoming HBO special.

Based on the original show that launched Pee-wee Herman into an American pop culture icon, Paul Reubens’ beloved quirky character brought his post-modern Playhouse to life again to delighted audiences.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Video Podcast, Videos 14 years ago 0

EVENT: SXSW Queer Meetup 2011

Are you right now in Texas?

Come join some of the biggest names in queer online culture at a fabulous soiree to kick of SXSW, the film, interactive and music festivals and conference that takes place every spring in Austin, Texas. This year’s featured panelist is Paul Reubens, best known for being Pee Wee Herman. Yeah, it’s our kind of conference.

Posted in: About the FOF, Announcements 14 years ago 3

FOF #1342 – Christeene is the Queen of Trash

When we told our listeners that we were going to Austin, Texas, everyone said “Bring back Christeene,” one of the trashiest drag queens in the Southwest.

The creation of Paul Soileau, Christeene rose out of the skanky waters of Hurricane Katrina like a greasy Venus floating in a garbage can. She’s a lost child, with the soul of killer shark!

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 14 years ago 11

WCT Article on SXSW Panel

SXSW Interactive: ‘Tomorrow Happens Here’ by Brenda Schumacher “Tomorrow Happens Here”—the slogan to this year’s SXSW interactive, film and music festivals—was not hyperbole. Attending the workshops, films, concerts and parties, one had the distinct feeling […]

Posted in: News & Rumors 15 years ago 0

Huffington Post Article on SXSW

SXSW Comes Out: The Annual Conference Gets More Gay Friendly Jamie Wetherbe Web Editor at the “Los Angeles Times Community News” As SXSW Interactive came to a close, critics said the conference has turned bloated […]

Posted in: About the FOF 15 years ago 0

Marc and Fausto on Austin Community Radio

While we were in Austin we were happy to be guests of OutCast community radio for the LGBT Community hosted by Heath Riddles, with co-hosts Stephen Rice and Kate Messer. OutCast airs live from Austin, […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Media Mentions 15 years ago 0

FOF #1163 – A Cultural Nexus

Every community has individuals who function as a hub that bring ideas and people together to make the big gay carousel spin around. Today we’re joined by Kate X Messer (the “X” is silent) – a cultural nexus for Austin, Texas. Join us as we recap of the delicious Gay Bi Gay Gay queer music festival.

Plus: a cheap acne drug fights HIV, a Robo Hawk soars to scare off birds, and President Obama sends me an emails thanking us for passing health care reform.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 15 years ago 6

FOF #1162 – Sex and Sensibilities

Heyd Fontenot talks about his work as an independent film maker and visual artist dealing with the intense feelings and confused reactions people have to the nude body.

Listen to find out how we infuse sex into every thing we do and how polyamory is the new sexual identity. Plus: James “The Amazing” Randi, skeptic and magician, comes out as gay, George Takei tv ad and the anti-gay organization Americans For Truth About Homosexuality gets listed as a hate group.

Posted in: Artists, Interviews, Podcast 15 years ago 7

FOF #1161 – A Decade with Stephen Meritt and the Magnetic Fields

Stephin Merritt is known as “the Cole Porter of his generation” and as the most miserable man in rock music. Today filmmaker Kerthy Fix talks about her new film- “Strange Powers: Stephen Merritt and the Magnetic Fields” on the ten years spent making the film, the zip-a-dee-doo-dah controversy and what love song she thinks represents him.

Posted in: Filmmakers, Interviews, Podcast 15 years ago 1