Here's the latest in the tag terrorism

FOF #1780 – Zooey Deschanel is Not a Terrorist

The world held its breath as authorities successfully captured the second suspected Boston Marathon Bomber alive on Friday.

During the manhunt, FOX news which is neither foxy nor news, misatakenly identified actress and ukulele enthusiast Zooey Deschanel as one of the suspected bombers in a close caption.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 1

FOFA #150 – Being at Ground Zero

Imagine being late to work one morning and noticing two airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center right in front of you. What would you do?

Since it’s the ten year anniversary we thought we’d re-run this interview we did with videographer Kerthy Fix on the five year anniversary.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Russian Terrorist Bomber Thwarted by Spam

Spam is not only annoying, but costs billions every year to fight it. But in this one case, spam might have saved hundreds of lives. Violent extremists detonate suicide bombs via text messages, wired to […]

Posted in: News & Rumors 14 years ago 0

FOFA #1156 – A Gay Man’s Return to the Muslim World

To many, the Middle East is a tantalizing mix of danger and desire. To a gay travel writer it’s an adventure to a world where same-sex affection blurs in the sand.

Today Michael Luongo joins us to talk about his book tour through the Middle East to promote “Gay Travels in the Muslim World” a collection of true stories of men sexually attracted to other men in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Podcast 14 years ago 2

FOF #1156 – A Gay Man’s Return to the Muslim World

To many, the Middle East is a tantalizing mix of danger and desire. To a gay travel writer it’s an adventure to a world where same-sex affection blurs in the sand.

Today Michael Luongo joins us to talk about his book tour through the Middle East to promote “Gay Travels in the Muslim World” a collection of true stories of men sexually attracted to other men in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 15 years ago 10

The Most Glamorous Terrorist Threat: Ivana Trump

Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump was forced off a plane in Florida when she went nuts over screaming kids running up and down the aisles. When asked to calm down, Ivana refused and got even […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People 15 years ago 0