Here's the latest in the tag zach stafford

FOF #2782 – Much Ado About Side Eye

Billy Porter, who plays the fierce and fabulous ballroom emcee Pray Tell in FX’s “Pose,” made history Sunday night by becoming the first openly gay black man to win an Emmy for lead actor in a drama category.

Today comedian Carma Nibarger joins to jump into the melée over Billy Porter’s side eye and RuPaul’s dismissal of diversity at the Emmy Awards.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Television 5 years ago 2

FOF #2781 – Candy’s Hammer

LGBT folks are raising an eyebrow over the announcement that actress Angelica Ross will be hosting a presidential forum on LGBTQ issues with most of the top Democratic candidates running in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Today comedian Matt Brown join us to look why people don’t realize Angelica Ross is more than qualified to host the U.S. Presidential Forum on LGBTQ+ issues and what kind of questions we’d ask the candidates

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2492 – Getting Into Grindr

It’s the 8 year anniversary of Grindr, and the company behind the ubiquitous app where you get into arguments about how big someone’s dick really is, is now launching a new magazine INTO, a modern kind of LGBT media for the app generation.

Today INTO magazine’s new editor in chief Zach Stafford, who in the past has been one of the most vocal critics of the app joins us to talk about the company’s new launch into LGBT media. Will gay men enjoy consuming news & culture while they are looking for love in the digital age?

Posted in: Podcast, Technology, Writers 7 years ago 0

FOF #2459 – Get Out Zach

Get Out, the exciting new film by comedian Jordan Peele takes a look at racism and the fetishization of black people by drawing on provocative elements from films like The Manchurian Candidate, The Stepford Wives and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Today, Zach Stafford, editor at large for OUT magazine joins us to talk about Get Out’s indictment of racism in America and was the film Moonlight robbed of its Oscar moment.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 7 years ago 1

FOF #2424 – Fanatical Beasts and Where to Find Them

We thought it’d be a picnic under a Clinton presidency and that Trump’s basket of deplorables would scamper away to lick their wounds, but after Trump’s win, they have become emboldened to unleash their tantrums upon the world.

Today, writer Zach Stafford joins us to talk about all the fanatical beasts crawling out of the woodwork and clogging up our social media feeds with their racist rants.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 2

FOF #2338 – When Fashion Kills

The fashion industry hasn’t always had our best interests at heart- even back in the Victorian era, the Rational Dress Society was fighting against the ridiculous corsets women were forced to wear.

Today writer Zach Stafford joins us to take a look at futuristic jumpsuits as a way to make clothing more economical and ecologically friendly.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 1

FOF #2310 – If You Can’t Love Yourself

Today we’re joined by Zach Stafford, who writes in the Guardian that although society has progressed in embracing us gender and sexually nonconforming folks, many of us still hold onto the self-hate and shame from before, with sometimes fatal consequences.

If you’re a fan of Zach’s work, catch him on the Daily Show tonight where he’ll be talking about dating and race relations.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 1

FOF #2286A – Fat Shaming

Has anyone ever said this to you? Heavy, heavy, you got so heavy baby. You better lose some weight.

Telling someone to get in shape doesn’t really do anything, and in fact some studies show that it has the opposite effect.

Today writer Zach Stafford, joins us to take a look at fat shaming, how he overcame his own eating disorder and how to inspire change in others by transforming your own life.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 9 years ago 0

FOF #2286B – Fat Shaming

In part two “Fat Shaming“ we continue our discussion with Zach Stafford about ridiculing people to get in shape, v how to how he overcame his personal eating disorder and what you can do to support someone else’s journey.

Plus , how transphobic was the X Files episode with Shangela? A nd a special case for Shitlock Holmes- who crapped on the Tesla?

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 9 years ago 3

FOF #2258 – When Dogs Heal

The best medicine may not always be found at a pharmacy or in a doctor’s office; sometimes it comes in the form of a four-legged friend.

When Dogs Heal is a photo essay project that tells the stories of HIV positive people and how their dogs got them through some of life’s darkest moments and helped them discover peace and joy in life.

Joining us is writer Zach Stafford, who when he’s not busy exposing injustices he’s finding HIV positive people to interview about their unique relationships to their dogs.

Posted in: Podcast 9 years ago 5