Here's the latest in the tag zoo

Strange Animal Love Affairs

Some years a black Swan, called Petra, from my hometown Münster in Germany made the headlines when she was in love with a white plastic paddle boat in the shape of a swan for some […]

Posted in: Animals, Images, News & Rumors 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Amazing Gorilla Walks Like a Man

This amazing gorilla walks like a man. If he had a suitcase in his hand, you’d think he was off for long day at the office instead of to the corner of his pen where […]

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 1

Gay Vultures Separated

Two male vultures that nested together have been separated and gay rights activists in Germany are upset. The zoo says the pair only took up with each other because there wasn’t another female that they […]

Posted in: Animals 14 years ago 3

VIDEO: Dancing Panda

Posted in: Animals, video, Videos 14 years ago 1

Science Experiment: Cute Monkeys Eating Jell-O

Super cute squirrel monkeys at the Bronx Zoo learning to eat Jell-O. How cute is that!?

Posted in: Animals, Science Facts & Fiction, Videos 15 years ago 1