A Scene from The Gay Deceivers
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A 60s exploitation-film idea of gay life. It’s no victory for accurate or unstereotypical filmmaking, and the homophobic talk from the blond who’s just pretending to be gay isn’t very nice, and you kind of […]
This along with Boys in the Band was a perrenial favorite of me and my friends when I lived in SF. Granted I’m a little twisted so my tastes run accordingly. I would classify this film as a “smoker” 😉 film.
Wow, the blond turned out to be a tranny chaser all along.
This video is great. I’m glad I got to share it with you.
why should it matter to me or anyone else if two people that love eachother would like to commit to eachother in a legal union..I do not undertand why anyone would be against it….by not allowing gay people to marry will not stop them from being together so for people that oppose, what is their point? And why is it anyones business?