Another Princess Boy
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Princess boys are all over the news these days and some predict it’s going to be the hot costume on 2010. Well, heres’ another one.
There seems to be a “Princess Boy” movement. Just yesterday I heard on a NPR show about the childrens book ‘My Princess Boy” ( I applaud the parents for letting their children be who they are and not what society tells us what they should be. Bravo!!!
This is sick. It is not right. I can not believe you people are using your children to promote this. Little kids have no idea what is going on here, they are to young to fully understand what is right and wrong. You as parents should know better, and flossing your children as gay icons to fullfill your own sick fantasies is completely unexceptable.
There’s nothing wrong with being a kid and acting like a kid. You need to get over your hang ups dude. Go try some frilly panties on and see how it feels.
Sure thing, let me borrow yours bro!
Anytime James. I’ll even make you an extra fancy pair if you promise to send me a pic of you in them.