German City Introduces Parking Meter for Prostitutes
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The ticket machine for prostitutes Prostitution is legal in Germany, and prostitutes can obtain legal work contracts, including a health insurance, unemployment assurance,nursing care insurance and a pension insurance. Therefore in order to establish more […]
How does one collect unemployment as a prostitute? You would have to be hideous.
If you get a legal work contract which sex workers can since 2002, it comes with benefits as all legal work contracts in Germany. If you become uemployed as a prostitute and worked under a legal work contract you can get financial support by the goverment. The hight and lengh depending on how long you worked.
But German job agencies are not required to find prostitutes for open positions in brothels. The court rejected the complaint of a brothel owner who had argued that the law of 2002 had turned prostitution into a job like any other; the judges ruled that the law had been passed to protect the employees, not to further the business.