The Birth of a Transgender Movement in Russia
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On May 28 a sprinkling of international activists and I joined with members of GayRussia to participate in the Moscow Pride demonstration which had been banned by the government. The demonstrators were physically attacked by […]
I’d like to correct the two important things.
1) Vladimir Luxuria, ex-deputy of Italian parliament, an actress, uses male name and female grammar gender
2) And the name of the Russian transgender foundation is Independent Foundation “Transgender”.
I fixed she to he and actress to actor, and the foundation to “Independent Transgender Foundation”
Thank you, Anna, for your courage! Yes, freedom of expression of gender identity should be the fundamental goal of LGBTQI people everywhere. This is a human rights issue!
“Gender Identity Disorder” is a bogus diagnosis. LGBTQI people and their allies should join globally to stop the medical establishment from stigmatizing gender variant people. LGBT Denmark has started this process with a statement to the American Psychiatric Association regarding the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. LGBT Denmark would like to submit this document as a joint statement to the APA from as many organizations and individuals as possible. Please review this statement here ( Contact Vibe Grevsen at if you or your organization would like to be listed as a co-signee in support of this statement. Co-signees are accepted until June 10th, 2011.
There’s a lot of discussion going on about this right now.
We talked a bit about this here-
So how do people get the medical help they need without getting a medical diagnosis?
1) To Marc Felion about Vladimir Luxuria
The correct way to write about HER is “Vladimir Luxuria, ex-deputy of Italian parliament uses male name and female grammar gender and there is no problem with it. She’s an actress and by the way, she took part in Moscow Gay Pride in 2007.”
2) To Veronica Drantz, PhD
Thank you for the link!!
Oh ok, I’l put is back as she. In the US we tend not to use the word “actress” anymore and simply use the word “actor.”
Marc! Be attentive, please, I ask you very much! There is a factual mistake in the text. There was made a mistake in transcribing of the interview and I don’t know how to correct it now and how to explain it better. Just copy what I write here and that’s all.
There is written in the text: “Vladimir Luxuria, ex-deputy of Italian parliament uses MASCULINE MALE gender and there is no problem with it.”
But I say for the third time that it MUST BE WRITTEN in the sentence: “Vladimir Luxuria, ex-deputy of Italian parliament uses MASCULINE (or MALE) NAME and FEMAILE GRAMMAR GENDER and there is no problem with it.”