Here's the latest from marsian

Did Gaga Just Rip a Page Out of Annie Lennox’s Playbook?

Did Gaga just rip a page out of Annie Lennox’s playbook? You decide. Here is a picture of Mother Monster as her male alter ego, Joe Calderone Compare with this video of Annie Lennox at […]

Posted in: Drag & Trans, People, Videos 13 years ago 0

Perverted Justice: Chris Hansen Busted!

For FOF #1319,  Tips & Trends for 2011, performance artist & trendcaster,  Marsian accurately predicted that Chris Hansen, host of To Catch a Predator , would be involved in some kind of sex-scandle or set-up conducted […]

Posted in: Images, Trends 13 years ago 5

Good Morning Baltimore!

So I’m performing in Baltimore this weekend at the Transmodern Festival presenting on Object Fetishes at the Maryland Institute of the Arts and performing Fudgie’s Death at the 14Karat Cabaret. I was even quoted in […]

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Travel 13 years ago 0

Kombucha Wars Return!

Kombucha Wars have made their way back into the headlines as predicted on FOF #1319 – Trends And Predictions for 2011 with Marsian. “2010 was a timultous time for Kombucha and its drinkers. By the second quarter, […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People 14 years ago 0

VIDEO: Anna Nicole, the Opera?

I never thought this day would come. . . Update (12/26/11):  Bloomberg reports that Anna Nicole was the Royal Opera House’s most talked about world premiere in years. Posted by Marsian, a Los Angeles-based puppet artist, chanteuse, […]

Posted in: Music, Videos 14 years ago 0

Marsian’s Glossary of Tips & Trends for 2011

What do Pajama Jeans say about the decline of American Imperialism, the weakening dollar, and the rise of China as both a super power and fashion center?

Marsian delivers his tips and trends for 2011.

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors, Trends 14 years ago 1

Lady Gaga(MEOW REMIX) Meowing It Up at Puppet Camp    

Posted in: Animals, video 14 years ago 0



its true » More

On FOF #1603- Puppets Gone Wild
Reply “CeCe was briefly taken to the hospital where she received 11 stitches in her cheek. Then, while she was still suffering both physically and mentally from... » More

On Attacked Trans Woman Faces Murder Charges

This just in for anyone in the MPLS area… MEDIA ADVISORY – May 2, 2012 Contact: Katie Burgess, Executive Director, Trans Youth Support Network,, (612) 363-7574; and... » More

On Attacked Trans Woman Faces Murder Charges

Sharon, maybe its an obvious question, but have you ever shared needles for real? » More

On Ask Sharon Needles Anything Again!

Is this part of a larger documentary? I need to see the rest. A few years ago I saw a documentary on guys who inject... » More

On Pumping Party of One