Here's the latest in the tag activists

FOF #1869 – A Spicy Meatball

Guido Barilla , Pasta Barilla’s CEO must have been hitting the sauce when he got himself into boiling water when he said on an Italian radio show that his company “likes the traditional family” and you’re not going to see any gays in Barilla’s advertising. And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”

Joining us today is blogger Nico Lang to talk about the great pasta boycott spinning around on your fork and how to make a boycott really count.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 4

BREAKING: 13 activists arrested in Sen. Durbin’s office

Thirteen LGBT rights activists from Chicago were arrested Thursday morning during a sit-in in Senator Durbin’s office to encourage the Senator to become a leader on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the Senate. The activists […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 3

Cyndi Lauper “Gives a Damn” about LGBT Youth; will open shelter

40% of homeless youth self-identify as LGBTQ, but New York doesn’t have any LGBT-specific homeless shelters to protect this special population and meet their needs. That’s not “Good Enough” for Cyndi Lauper, who is planning to use her True Colors Fund to raise the cash to open an $11Million LGBTQ homeless shelter in Harlem

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 0

Final Solution for Gays in Utah, or is It?

I have to hand it to whoever came up with this one, becasue kids it is fucking brilliant! Some enterprising and creative activists in Utah have turned the bright lights of poltical theater on how […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1