Here's the latest in the tag boy scouts

FOF #2218 – Matteo Lane Gets a Merit Badge in Comedy

We’re thrilled to see our friend comedian Matteo Lane all over the TV set, from his appearances on Comedy Central and MTV, Matteo is making a big splash on the little screen.

Today, Matteo joins us to talk about Kim Davis, the Republican Presidential debates and Ahmed the little clock builder from Texas.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 9 years ago 2

FOF #2174 – Tom Goss Can’t Wait

Our lovely friend, musician Tom Goss packed up his guitar and husband Mike and moved to Beverly, Hills that is- Bryan Singer pool parties, and porneau stars. Tom moved to L.A. to dive into the wonderful community of artists living there and he’s loving every minute of it!

Today Tom Goss and his gal pal Liz DeRoche give us a live music session with songs from their new album Wait.

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Podcast 9 years ago 3

FOF #1799 – Boy Scouts & Leathermen

The Boy Scouts earned a badge of mediocrity over their announcement to end to their ban on gay troops, while keeping a ban on gay leaders. Meanwhile here in Chicago, the International Mr. Leather Pageant attracted lots of kinky folks sporting sashes reminiscent of the Boy Scouts.

Joining us today is former Boy Scout Chris Doucette who grew up to earn a merit badge in hilariousnes.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 11 years ago 2