Here's the latest in the tag car

FOF #2645 – No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral

Aretha Franklin’s funeral was overshadowed by Pastor Charles H. Ellis III groping Ariana Grande and joking that her name sounds like something from the menu at Taco Bell.

Today Carma Nibarger joins us to take a look at the pastor’s D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T for women at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF CLIP #2645 – No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral

A clip from podcast #2645 – “No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral.” To listen to the full show, become a Plus subscriber:

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2644 – The Greatest Car That Ever Lived

A lot of folks love their cars. And why wouldn’t they? Cars don’t just get us from here to there, they also let us steam up the windows when there’s no place else to get it on.

Today we pay tribute to our dearly departed Honda Accord, the miracle car that we had for 12 years, outlasting many gay bars, drag queen careers and LGBT media networks.

Posted in: Podcast 6 years ago 0

VIDEO: Car Tricks

This is UNREAL! I don’t even know what to say.  This is insane.

Posted in: Embed, People, Travel, Videos 14 years ago 1