Here's the latest in the tag celebrity

BONUS: Hey Love Muffins, It’s Love B Scott!

YouTube celebrity B Scott gives us a behind the scenes look at how he comes up with his sassy videos and infectious catch phrases. On November 2, B Scott talks in depth with his favorite pop star, Mariah Carey- did the glitter goddess let B Scott touch her rhinestone covered microphone?

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Video Bloggers 3 years ago 0

FOF #1537 – Trust Me, I’m a Celebrity

Many people are eager to trust celebrities and bestow upon them magical powers.

Today we take a look at why we give a damn at all about celebrities, the science behind trusting a person you’ve never met and if we’re all just being manipulated by some unseen dark sinister force.

Posted in: People, Podcast 13 years ago 4

FOFA #480 – The Unsinkable Paula Poundstone – 7.18.11

When Paula Poundstone was arrested in 2001 for drunk driving and child endangerment, she temporarily lost custody of her adopted children, went into a deep depression and was forced by the courts to go to AA.

Not one to hide, Paula took her struggles that she endured under the glare of the media and put it to work in her courageous stand-up act.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 3

Celebrities That Look Like Cartoons

Madonna really does look like Skeletor doesn’t she? Unreality Magazine has scoured the world looking for celebrities that look like cartoons, not surprisingly they came up with a whole bunch of them. What celebrity do […]

Posted in: People 14 years ago 2

Gary Coleman’s Casket

You decide if this is too soon.

Posted in: Images, People 14 years ago 5

Who’s Coming Out on the 5th?

Multiple websites are claiming that a celebrity has booked multiple appearances on talk shows, and hired publicist/celebrity coming out expert Howard Bragman to basically come out of the closet on May 5th.  Although people know […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors 14 years ago 3

Out Magazine’s Power 50

Here are some of the celebs from Out Magazine Ranks the 50 Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America Adam Lambert — His Rolling Stone cover was the magazine’s best seller of 2009, but […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors, People 14 years ago 10

Cyndi Lauper “Gives a Damn” about LGBT Youth; will open shelter

40% of homeless youth self-identify as LGBTQ, but New York doesn’t have any LGBT-specific homeless shelters to protect this special population and meet their needs. That’s not “Good Enough” for Cyndi Lauper, who is planning to use her True Colors Fund to raise the cash to open an $11Million LGBTQ homeless shelter in Harlem

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 0

Singer Ricky Martin Comes Out of the Closet

Singer Ricky Martin is writing his memoirs and finally coming clean about what everyone’s known for years- he’s gay. From his website: A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I […]

Posted in: Hunks, Music, People 15 years ago 8

We Are The World 25 For Haiti – Official Video

Love the video. Good to see Michael Jackson back to work!

Posted in: Videos 15 years ago 6