Here's the latest in the tag cindy mccain

Cindy McCain isn’t the battered spouse–we are

Poor Cindy McCain. John McCain locked her in a cage, took away all access to technology, sewed her mouth shut and–when all else failed–tranquilized her with heavy-duty animal tranq, usually reserved for elephants. All to […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 5

Cindy McCain Backpedals on Gay Rights

She just gave out this backpedaling tweet right after releasing a video in support of gays for the NOH8 campaign. And now she’s tweeting her support of DADT? How can she have it both ways? […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 3

Cindy McCain Comes Out – Against California’s Prop 8

Cindy McCain — wife of 2008 GOP presidential candidate John McCain –has taken a high profile position contrary to her husband’s on the issue of same sex marriage, by starring in a new ad to […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 9

FOF #843 – The Pulse on Boystown

On today’s show we have Nirmalpal Sachdev, the general manager of Steamworks and Sean Kotwa, the gayest manager at the gay nightclub Hydrate who have the pulse on Chicago’s gay neighborhood – Boystown. They’re here […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 18