Here's the latest in the tag darth vader

FOF #2592 – Brittany Campbell’s Golden Age

For Brittany Campbell, it’s a golden age- she’s in the monster hit Hamilton the Musical, she’s releasing a new album and now she’s nominated for the Helen Hayes Award for her role as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady.

By George she’s got it! Listen as Brittany Campbell joins us to talk about her new album Stay Gold, how the drag queens of NYC took her under their glittery wings and her collaboration with pansexual albino supermodel Shaun Ross.

Posted in: Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2481 – Chick with a Schtick

Like a real life Carrie Bradshaw in Sex in the City, Dina Nina Martinez writes about her romantic life, but instead of being Jewish New Yorker with a passion for Manolo Blahnik shoes, Dina’s a sexy texy-mexi-trans-terminatrix who likes to tell jokes.

Listen as Dina Nina Martinez chats with us about her love life, transitioning from showgirl to funny girl and her fascination with Jesus being an alien.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 7 years ago 1

FOF #2267 – The Franchise Awakens

We are just days way from the most anticipated film premier in a long long time — Star Wars: the Force Awakens where we’re finally getting the gang back together in the further adventures of Luke and Leia, Han and Chewy and R2-D2 & C3-PO, but now we’re adding to the mix Rey, Finn, Poe and BB-8.

Today we’re talking about Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars— as the very funny Brian Sweeney, comedian, the Sith Lord of TV and movie trivia joins us to take a look at what the new Star Wars film promises to bring.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 3

Yes Virginia, Some Stereotypes Have a Grain of Truth…

Not that I believe this…but sometimes preety sparkly stuff covers up the true nature of people…

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Images 13 years ago 0

Steam Punk Darth Vader

It was only a matter of time before Darth got the Steampunk treatment. After all, isn’t Star Wars already kind of Steampunkisk? I mean really, who would use a light saber when a phaser could blast an enemy from so far away.

Posted in: Topics 13 years ago 1

VIDEO: Darth Vader at Disneyland

Yeah this is an ad for Disney’s new Star Tours ride, but it’s wonderfully effective. Check out the evil sith lord as he lives it up at the Happiest Place on Earth. Would have loved […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, People, Videos 13 years ago 1

PHOTO: Freddie Mercury Rides Darth Vader

My the fierce be with you.

Posted in: Images, Music 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Star Wars Mind-F**King.

I don’t wanna give it away.  Just watch it.  This kid is trying out his newly imagined powers as a Darth Lord.  WHO was NOT this kid growing up?

Posted in: Culture & Style, Movies, Videos 14 years ago 4

Darth Vader’s Part Time Job

Found this on Twitter, and can’t stop watching it. It seems to be a commercial by TomTom, the GPS hardware producer.It becomes even more funny the more I keep watching it! I would have never […]

Star Wars Dance Routine

From a French TV show comes a strange dance routine between four C3PO robots and four Darth Vaders to Star Wars Music. As the French would say “C’est formidable!”

Posted in: Science Facts & Fiction, Videos 15 years ago 6