Here's the latest in the tag gaga

VIDEO: My Life Explained via Lady Gaga

This video perfectly describes my life, except I do chemistry.  Really good Gaga parody.

Posted in: Embed, Music 14 years ago 2

Class on Lady Gaga Offered at U of South Carolina

“Professor Goes Gaga” over Lady Gaga! After becoming obsessed with Lady Gaga, professor Mathieu Deflem created a class to discuss her rise to fame! Supposedly, the focus is more on the sociology aspects instead of […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Divas, Music, News & Rumors, People 14 years ago 0

How to create change: Lauren & Ellie

Two college girls make some noise in DC, and become two of America’s greatest straight allies–this is how you make change happen. Watch to the end!

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0