Here's the latest in the tag gayco

FOF #2232 – How to Trick Memories Pizza to Cater Your Gay Wedding

It seems like just yesterday that Memories Pizza, the notorious Indiana pizzeria raked in over eight hundred and forty thousand dollars from bigots the world over after saying they wouldn’t cater a same-sex wedding.

Now, they are back in the news again for catering a gay wedding, they just didn’t know it.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 9 years ago 1

FOF #1098 – Is It Too Late to Say “Yes We Can?”

Jim Bennet of GayCo, the gay sketch comedy troupe that sprouted from Second City is back with “The Audacity of Nope.” The skits touch on the feelings of many who worked in earnest to get Obama elected who now feel like they’ve been duped.

Plus: Microsoft’s awkward attempt at a viral video, Sarah Palin Glenn Beck as a possible future running mate and our Holiday T-Shirt Contest!

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Politicians/Activists 15 years ago 4

FOF #910 – Slap an O on It

The whole nation has Obama fever, as the Senator from Illinois plans to take the oath on Tuesday January 20 and become our nation’s first black president. Everything from key chains, candies and clothing has […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 19

FOF #870 – Shivers Down My Spine

Happy Halloween! What’s scariest thing happening right now? For many, it’s the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. Intense national events like the election can push some people who are already on the verge of sanity over […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 14

FOF #856 – Do It for Your Country

Only 25 days until the country elects Barak Obama as president! Okay, so I’m an optimist. On today’s show Jim Bennet, the funny man from GayCo, Second City’s gay offspring comes to dish it up […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 8

A Taste of Mandy

Comedian Mandy Price from GayCo chats with Fausto Fernos about postal dating at A Taste for Every Palate, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Subscribe to the videos with: RSS | iTunes | YouTube

Posted in: Videos 16 years ago 3

Jim Bennet’s Gay Voice

After the GayCo Show “Whitney Houston We Have a Problem!” we talked to Chicago funnyman Jim Bennet about his wonderful “gay voiced” character, a powerful media mogul who just doesn’t seem to like anything he […]

Posted in: Videos 16 years ago 9

FOF #760 – If It Ain’t GayCo, Don’t Fix It

Aren’t they cute? Comedians Jim Bennet and Andy Eninger from GayCo, the Chicago based queer comedy troupe join us today to celebrate over a decade of fun-filled shows. GayCo began as a lesbigay focused workshop […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 11