FOF #856 – Do It for Your Country
Fausto Fernós
Oct 10, 2008 ·
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Only 25 days until the country elects Barak Obama as president! Okay, so I’m an optimist. On today’s show Jim Bennet, the funny man from GayCo, Second City’s gay offspring comes to dish it up […]
Jim – I’m so happy you enjoyed the Voon de Var cookie and THE FREE DRINKS…brilliant solution you concocted 😀
I was one of those twisted kids with a pet tarantula and till this day I simply thought I was allergic to it-never knew about the venom in the fur. (Thanks FOF for the unintentional PSA!) I used to pet mine and let it crawl on me until I broke out in hives- the day before I got my first driver’s license picture taken. Every time I got carded for anything I was reminded of that stupid pet.
Give Bubba some poppers. She’ll deal.
Jackie is a godsend!
I sure hope Georgia goes blue. Clinton won GA in his first term but this has been a red state every election after that. Dole won this state during Clinton’s second run and George W. the last two. It also sucks because GA is an all or nothing state. Which means whoever wins the state gets all 15 Electoral Votes. Right now we are leaning McCain.
But I am hopeful because I see more and more Obama signs and bumper stickers. Hell, my conservative, gun loving mamma is even a hardcore Obama supporter.
Oh, Fausto…blush blush.
Folks, tell your mommas to vote for Obama!
Scott, Marc and Fausto,
Thanks for discussing the No on 8 campaign. While it directly affects us in California in the end it affects us all. thanks again!
Regarding the imperial palace and your question about japan, here’s a brief summary of Tokyo, Edo, and Kyoto:
The chinese characters for Kyoto are Capital (kyo) and Metropolis (to). Kyoto was the original capital of Japan. At the time Tokyo was known as Edo. The imperial family moved the capital from Kyoto to Edo. When they did this they changed the name to Tokyo. The chinese characters for Tokyo are East (to) and kyo (capital, same kyo as kyoto). so there you have it. capital and east capital.
Thanks Xavi- for more on Prop 8 listen to this show
We said way back in August to donate money for the commercials. I hope it is not too late!