Here's the latest in the tag marijuana

FOF #1936 – Sissy Spastik’s Journey to Drag Race

One of the rising stars in Chicago’s drag scene is Sissy Spastik, who recently caught the eye of the producers of RuPaul’s Drag Race- and although she’s not on this season, she’s a front runner to be cast on the popular reality series.

Sissy just flew to Hollywood to do the impossible task of making James St. James look like a hot drag queen. And surprisingly enough, Sissy pulled it off, transforming James into a fierce Chicago style club kid.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 11 years ago 0

FOF #1930 – In Crust We Trust

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, find what you love and do it! Comedian Michael Bowen loves to make pies in drag so he became Bertha Mason, the world’s foremost drag queen pie making expert.

Listen as we take a look at the delicious history of pies, and savor Michael’s new take on an old world creation: a winter squash, cheese and sage free-form pie.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Food & Drink, Podcast 11 years ago 3

FOF #1924 – The Gayest Road Trip Movies Ever

One of our favorite films of all time is Russ Meyer’s 1965 Sex-ploitation classic, Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill! about three murderous strippers who murder, fuck and steal their way through California’s Mojave Desert. This early cult film starred drag inspiration Tura Satana as the cruel bisexual shit kicking Varla who karate chopped her way through the entire film.

Today San Francisco drag icon Peaches Christ, who lectures at colleges about drag queens in film, joins us to take a look at some of our favorite gayest road trip movies ever.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 0

FOF #1264 – The Social Network

Aaron Sorkin’s film “The Social Network” about the rocky beginnings of Facebook and the lawsuits surrounding the site’s co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a hit at the box office.

Today we dive deep into the world of tech start-ups, new media and Facebook with our personal take on the movie as co-founders of Feast of Fun.

Posted in: Podcast 14 years ago 12

Berlin – Soon More Cannabis-Friendly Than Amsterdam?

Berliners have long enjoyed their city’s soft stance on marijuana. It’s not uncommon to see someone taking a deep drag on a joint in a city park or rolling one in the back of a […]

Posted in: Images, News & Rumors 14 years ago 3

California May be the First State in the Union to Legalize Marijuana for Personal Use.

The application passed with flying colors yesterday to place a measure on California’s November ballot that would allow adults, 21 and over, to posses up to ounce of pot for personal use. It also allows […]

FOF #1108 – Jen Porter is Grateful for What She’s Got

While camping in Minnesota, musician Jen Porter got trapped inside her tent at night while a terrible tornado raged on. The next morning Jen awoke not in the land of Oz, but next to an enormous tree trunk that crashed next to her tent, only a foot away from her head. Listen as Jen plays songs from her new album “Closer to the Surface” and sings her musical version of the viral “Brad Pitt” poem that’s become an online hit.

In the news: Bruce Springstein wants gay marriage, Chinese health scares, Edward Scissorhands and Fausto’s quest to be a mall Santa.

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Musicians, Podcast 15 years ago 0

Pot College Teaches Students How to Grow Weed

Now that medical marijuana is legal in Michigan, you have to teach the students how to grow the weed. From the article: “Growing pot by chucking seeds in the garden is fine for the recreational […]

Free Mary Ann

I think the Drug War has gone too far when our very own Dawn Wells, the actress who played Mary Ann on the popular 1960’s TV sitcom Gilligans Island, was arrested and sent to prison […]

Posted in: People 17 years ago 10