Here's the latest in the tag nazis

FOF #1968 – Signs You’re a Basic Gay Bitch

These days, about the biggest way you can insult someone is by calling them boring. Normal. Basic Bitches, a hip-hop slang is getting big on the internet: #basicbitches. A basic bitch is someone who thinks they are brilliant innovators, when in reality are just following the herd.

Joining us is one of the most basic gay bitches we know, Tommy Holl to take a look at why we worry about the reasons why we like things. Are you a basic gay bitch?

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 10 years ago 5

Nazi Art Linked to Russia’s Winter Olympics

Nazi style images are being used to promote Gorky Gorod, an elite housing complex which will serve as the Olympic media village at the 2014 Games in Russia. —According to the Guardian One of the […]

Posted in: News & Rumors 13 years ago 0