Here's the latest in the tag noh8

FOF #2918 – Ten Years of Glitter Day

This January marks the 10 year anniversary of Glitter Day, the fabulous holiday in celebration of all things magical and sparkly inside all of us.

The idea for an LGBTQ+ centric winter holiday began as a funny bit on the podcast and amazingly the idea caught on like wildfire. Glitter Day is now celebrated around the world!

Today our dear friend Michael Lehet joins us to look back on a decade of Glitterous Glory, and other wonderfully weird and wild ideas that caught on the Internet.

Posted in: Podcast, Video Bloggers, Writers 4 years ago 2

FOF #1366 – Awkwardly Hip

NOH8, It Gets Better, Lady Gaga, and even YouTube’s Honey Badger- all started out as small projects that grew into viral phenomena when LGBT folks jumped on the bandwagon. What happens when our favorite outsider things become the monster ballads of popular culture?

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 13 years ago 22

An Excellent Use of Duct Tape

Adam Bouska silences Paris Hilton (finally) for his NOH8 Campaign.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, People, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 5

Cindy McCain isn’t the battered spouse–we are

Poor Cindy McCain. John McCain locked her in a cage, took away all access to technology, sewed her mouth shut and–when all else failed–tranquilized her with heavy-duty animal tranq, usually reserved for elephants. All to […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 5

Cindy McCain Backpedals on Gay Rights

She just gave out this backpedaling tweet right after releasing a video in support of gays for the NOH8 campaign. And now she’s tweeting her support of DADT? How can she have it both ways? […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 3

VIDEO: Celebrity NOH8 Anti-Bullying Message

I get a little dizzy watching this, but I love that Cindy McCain has called out politicians and religious leaders for their hateful behavior.

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 0

This Is Oz, Australia’s NOH8-esque Campaign

As I sit and watch the twitter feed for the Prop 8 trial, it occured to me to look into what is going on globally in the LGBT community these days. We see activism all […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Topics, Trends 14 years ago 1

PHOTOS: Hilarious, Disgusting Parody of NOH8 Campaign: DEFEC8

Regardless of how you feel about the NOH8 campaign, you can’t deny that Adam Bouska’s photo campaign for marriage equality has given us some pretty memorable images of all these angelic faces with NOH8 temporary […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 5

Hunky Wrestling Star Hudson Taylor Kicks Butt On and Off the Mat

It’s hunky guys like Hudson Taylor that help me get out of bed every day. The University of Maryland wrestling star kicks butt on and off the mat, ranking No. 3 in the country in […]

Posted in: Hunks, Sports 15 years ago 3

The Angry Queer!

Being politically correct will not work. We need to get mad, and fight for our rights tooth and nail. Get angry and get out there and fight!

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 5