Here's the latest in the tag poodles

PHOTO: Zombie Poodle

I think this might be my favorite Halloween pet costume this year.

Posted in: Animals, Images 13 years ago 0

PHOTO: Dog Groomed to Look Like Kathy Griffin

At least we think the dog was groomed to look like Kathy Griffin. From the New York Time’s article on Integroom’s extreme dog grooming competition. The caption read: “Third place went to a dog named […]

Posted in: Animals, Culture & Style, Images, People 15 years ago 1

Stay Closeted to Win Idol for Yourself, Lose Equality for All

Former American Idol contestant Kat McPhee thinks gays and lesbians on Idol should stay in the closet so they can get farther on the show–and she’s right. Gays and lesbians aren’t likely to go as […]

Posted in: Culture & Style 15 years ago 8