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FOF #1724 – Trends and Predictions 2013

Everything old becomes new again because culture is built on the achievements and failures of the past. Guess what tired old trend is forecasted to explode next year? Steampunk!

The very funny Meredith Kachel and Brian Sweeney join us to predict what 2013 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines last year.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 3

A Better Rat Penis

On FOF #1504 Trends and Predictions for 2012, I predicted that in bio-technology, scientists would start performing foreskin restoration using stemcells from the discarded foreskins of circumcized babies.  And now, just days later, the Huffington […]

FOF #1504 – Trends and Predictions for 2012

Last year people took glitter to a whole new level by updating the pie-in-the-face prank with Glitter Bombs, an arts and crafts attack against douchey politicians and pundits.

Listen as we talk about what 2012 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines last year with artist Marsian DeLellis.

Posted in: Podcast, Trends 13 years ago 15

FOFA #1319 – Trends And Predictions for 2011

Tell us what we got right so far from this show in January where we predict “what 2011 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines in 2010 and warping them into the future. Ripsters, GagaFlauge, Micro-Fruits, Cash Cats and Temporary Face Lifts, all coming your way.”

Joining us is LA based puppet artist Marsian Delellis- described as “a crazy hall of mirrors on which society can see itself.”

Posted in: Artists, Classic Podcasts, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 3

FOF #1319 – Trends And Predictions for 2011

Today we predict what 2011 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines in 2010 and warping them into the future. Ripsters, GagaFlauge, Micro-Fruits, Cash Cats and Temporary Face Lifts, all coming your way.

Joining us is LA based puppet artist Marsian Delellis- described as “a crazy hall of mirrors on which society can see itself.”

Posted in: Podcast 14 years ago 21

Horoscope Changed?

This is Ryan with 300 words (or less) to make your Monday less taxing -with the real story of Ophiuchus. A 13th Zodiac Sign has been added to the other twelve? Yes. The reason for […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Image, Science Facts & Fiction 14 years ago 4

FOF #699 – Love Potion Sorceress

Valentine’s Day has come a little early this year. My good friend Solitaire has stopped by today to announce the winner’s of our Valentine’s Day Massacre Photo Contest she was running on her Deviant art […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 21

FOFA #460 – Future Imperfect

Marsian De Lellis is in many ways in touch with something magical. We’re just not sure what that is, but in all his outlandish talk about full-body botoxes and Whole Foods Express at the airports, […]

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Podcast 17 years ago 2