New York Votes In Marriage Equality Act, Allowing Same-Sex Couples to Marry
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Good news everyone! The State of New York just got the extra vote they needed to enact the Marriage Equality Act. It’s a done deal. As the final votes passed the crowd in the chamber […]
The crowd cheered “USA! USA! USA!” that’s fabulous.
yeah the guy who started that got kicked out of the gallery , buuut it was against the rules ( ie no protesting, no yelling and all kinds of act like you are in a library kind of stuff )and was being a prick before, the trupper was at least nice about it.
My home state did the right thing! I’m so proud
I didn’t know you were a New Yorker Angela!
I identify more with California where my alma mater and friends are, but yeah, I went to the same high school as Snooki (6 years before her)
You are the Snooki of New Zeland.
Which is okay, because I’m the Snooki of Puerto Rico and Podcasting, and Chicago and Tostones.
Neither of us are nearly orange enough. To the spray tan booth!
When I was 15-18 we would cross the border form PA to NY to drink. The drinking age there was 18 and our older friends would lend us their ID. I love the idea that gays are going to cross the border now to get married.
Cuomo signed it already. He didn’t want to wait! It’s law in 31 days.