Charlie Sheen Fired, “Two and a Half Men” Canceled
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Self-imploding celebrities, there goes Charlie Sheen! Is his career over? While vacationing in the Bahamas, Charlie Sheen called onto several radio shows and TMZ, calling the Executive Producer for Two and a Half Men a […]
It is sad to me that a person such as Charlie had privilages that most americans dont have and he put it to waste. People with money, power, and the contacts have opportunities to help others and still have a lavish life. Instead he put the money to bad use and ultimately wasted his life to additction. Why would you want something to power your life, don’t you like being in control? You have moved your rank to “loser” in my book.
good news for dr. drew though his show celebrity rehab will continue atleast five more years he has to clean up charlie sheen and lindsay lohan. goddesses help him lol.