Proposition 8 Protest
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Frustrated with the anti-gay measures in the last election? Stand up and make your voice heard. Join us this Saturday for a fierce rally to protest Proposition 8 which took away existing same-sex marriage rights […]
forgive my ignorance..i have been keeping
abreast with this issue for months, still d0n’t
get it; how come they, civilized & cultured ppl,
could ”make a law” to take away the right of
being minority~? It’s beyond my imagination!!
You live in Hong Kong, is gay marriage legal there?
not legal in Hong Kong yet, that’s why i still keep my canadian passport.
i used to study in the states, & i’d love to see my U.S. fds smile again 馃檪
Fausto, Marc & lovely fds of FOF..Pls accept my blessing & do your best!
Yet again another great show. I beg of all that reads this, and send it out to all str8 people that you know. I was viewing MSMBC Coutdown with Keith Obermann aired on 11-10-08. the special comments by Mr Obermann was very touching, and put tears in my eyes. For a str8 man, he has his mind is a good place. Check it out.
Studoutlaw, put on a shirt! Just kidding.
There’s over 1,700 confirmed through facebook alone
It’s gonna be hot!
The passing of prop 8 is a setback and disappointment but the good thing is how it brings the gay community in the US together to fight for equality and justice.
Maybe the passing of prop 8 is the start of a new gay movement. I wish I could take part at the street protests. Do your best!