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FOF #2051 – Matteo Lane’s Sex Life

It’s hard to date men when you’re an openly gay comedian who talks about his sex life as part of his act.

Comedian Matteo Lane is having a rough time dating guys because they worry he’s not only going to kiss and tell, but that he’ll be putting their dick size on blast.

Today Matteo Lane joins us to talk about this hot guy he’s been wanting to get lucky with but who doesn’t seem to want to put out.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 10 years ago 3

FOF #2050 – Drag Queens vs Facebook

Today we’re joined by Heklina to talk about their secret meeting with Facebook and what’ll happen if they don’t figure out a way to embrace people networking with their stage names.

Also joining us is Chicago drag queen Joan Waters, who just won Reddit’s Lipsync for Your Life Competition. Joan has a lot of funny things to talk about like that time she got into fight with two drag queens dressed up as Raggedy Ann and Andy, and all the online dirt.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 10 years ago 7

FOF #2049 – Trans Movie Villains

Watching a horror movie can be very therapeutic. You get to experience terror without any real danger and you get to scream real loud. Unfortunately, Hollywood shamefully capitalizes on the audience’s latent transphobia by centering horror films around transgender killers.

In real life, transgender people are usually the victims of heinous crimes instead of the perpetuators. Today, Parker Marie Molloy joins us to take a look at transgender movie villains.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 10 years ago 15

FOF #2048 – Back to School

Never in the history of the modern world has it been so hard to get into college and so expensive to get an education. But just because the odds are stacked against you, doesn’t mean you can’t get a good education, a nice job, a car and a man or a woman or both.

Today we give you a no nonsense look at the harsh reality of getting a college education today, with some simple, practical tips on keeping it cheap and making the most of your degree.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 3

FOF #2047 – Sex on Wheels

It’s not always easy getting the sex you want, whether you’re in a wheelchair or not.

For writer Andrew Morrison Gurza, it’s important that people recognize that disabled folks are sexual beings too. Now, as a gay man, it’s not always easy for Andrew to get his groove on, but he has game and does just fine.

Listen as Andrew talks about queer crip liberation, the very sexy Alex Minsky and why you should totally go out on a date with that cute guy in a wheelchair.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Politicians/Activists, Writers 10 years ago 9

FOF #2046 – Whose Ass is It Anyway?

The butt is a glorious thing and thankfully its finally getting its day in the sun. And it’s not just gay guys who love the booty action.

Vogue magazine finally caught on declaring plump booties are in fashion. Even macho black rappers are boasting about how much they love to dine on derriere.

Joining us today is Tommy Holl, who thanks to years of gymnastics has a very nice booty to talk about this and all the hot news.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 5

FOF #2045 – Cartoon Voices During Sex

Our friend Cody Melcher is pretty high strung, and sometimes feels at odds with the world around him. Maybe it’s because he’s a paleophile, a person who loves old and ancient things, or because he’s a time traveler in disguise.

Or maybe it’s because whenever he feels happy and relaxed he starts to talk in cartoon voices, like Droopy Dog or Bubu, Yogi the Bear’s little sidekick.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 10 years ago 6

FOF #2044 – Adventures in Babysitting

Two years ago filmmaker Mark Blane was accused of “gay-napping” two boys he babysat at a grocery store in Chicago. His experience as a male caretaker inspired him to develop CUBBY, a new film where a gay nanny develops a relationship with a older gay sex worker.

Today Mark Blane joins us to talk about his adventures in babysitting that led him seek crowd-funding to make his quirky film.

Posted in: Filmmakers, Interviews, Podcast, Writers 10 years ago 8

FOF #2043 – 32 Ounces

32 ounces! 32 ounces! If you don’t have 32 ounces of premium silicone lube, you’re practically dry and celibate.

We get a lot of crazy stuff in the mail, most of it is care packages, promotional items, gift certificates and perverse comic books, but this one really wets our whistle.

Imagine our surprise when we opened up the mail and got deluged in lube. Honey these bottles are big.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 4

FOF #2042 – The Bohemian Sensuality of Spencer Day

We don’t usually associate sensual bohemian music with Mormons, but instead we think of wholesome Donnie and Marie types, where everyone smiles till it hurts.

But musician Spencer Day has been through hell and back- from pretending he was a heroin junkie in high school to look cool to struggling with his religious upbringing and sexual identity as an adult.

Today a live music sessions with the fabulous Spencer Day, playing songs from his new album The Mystery of You.

Posted in: Interviews, Live Music Sessions, Musicians, Podcast 10 years ago 18