FOF #1087 – Why Some Religions Hate on the Gays

Nov 4, 2009 · 1985 views

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When filmmaker Ky Dickens came out to her friends in college, they responded by asked her to go into reperative therapy, quoting the Bible back at her, saying the devil had her heart. Ouch!

Ky wrote a powerful letter to her close friend Katie debunking the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality, and got a moving apology from her friend. The letter inspired her to make the documentary film “Fish Out of Water.”


  1. Justin says:

    Great show today! I think churches should not be taxed if they are small and stick to their community. The moment they start broadcasting on TV and being labeled “Mega Church” they should start paying taxes.

    I also believe if large religious organizations such as the LDS Church contribute to a political move, they should lose their tax exempt status for breaking the separation of church and State. They get all upset when the State tries to tell them what they can do or say but that rule doesn’t apply to them when they want to create laws to control the people of the State.

    • So what if a Church starts to lobby the government for gay rights? Its a messy area, but my feeling is here with you Justin- if they are more of a political action group than a church, they should lose their tax exempt status.

  2. Blueboi says:

    Great podcast guys!
    Cant wait to see Ky’s film when it comes out.

  3. This was an incredibly interesting podcast. (I’m a little behind so I’m just now listening to this one) I definitely want to see this film.. Her little gender studies part (about masculinity and putting women down) made my heart smile 😛

  4. Zoomer says:

    Thanks for having her on your show — can’t wait to see the movie.

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