FOF #2256 – Patti’s Pies
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Soul singer James Wright Chanel’s enthusiastic endorsement video is making Patti Labelle’s pies into this year’s Thanksgiving must have item.
But some folks think Miss Labelle hit a sour note for saying she made the pies successful “on my own” and she needs to get a “new attitude” and pay James Wright Chanel more than just a phone call.
Today we’re taking a close look at #blackpiesmatter
yanno, it’s funny, I was listening to the show at the gym like I usually do, and after you guys were done talking about James Wright Chanel, I went to go use a rowing machine. A few minutes later I looked up at the ellipticals that have mini TVs mounted to them, and low and behold there is was on the local FOX(I know right?) news channel being interviewed. They had his full name displayed, so there ya go. I was rather amused by the sheer coincidence.
as for the outrage over Zoolander 2..I saw that same screenshot on tumblr out of context, no explanation given, and was just confused? Like it didn’t even register to me that he was supposed to be portraying a trans/androgynous person. I just thought they deliberately tried to make him look like a freak for humor’s sake?? Yet now knowing about who his character really is supposed to be, yeesh, definitely a “what were they thinking!!?” type of situation. I’ll admit, as a kid I was obsessed with the original Zoolander movie. I don’t have high hopes or really any expectations for the sequel though.
But before this movie even comes out, there is already a movie portraying the life and struggles of a transwman, played by Eddie Redmayne? I think t’s called the Dutch Girl. Dunno if you guys have seen the trailer for it. It looks like a tragic/drama type of movie, and I’m sure the trans community would like to see a genuine movie about a transperson that isn’t tragic and depressing, or a caricature with Zoolander 2, but that’s Hollywood for you.
The Patti vs Aretha shadefest memes comes from the youtube series Got 2b Real by Patti Lahelle:
Got into it, it’s one of the most brilliant things ever