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FOF #2297 – Rubbing One Out at Work

Chances are you’re probably listening to this podcast at work— so here’s a little trick to keeping your spirits up on the job, if god forbid, your boss won’t let you access the show: instead of taking a coffee or smoke break, try going to the bathroom, and rubbing one out.

Our guest today is writer Nico Lang, who in his latest piece in Ravishly talks about how folks at work are turning to masturbation as a way to relieve work stress.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 9 years ago 2

FOF #2075 – For Better or For Worse

We did it! On Halloween, Marc and I tied the knot and got legally married in Illinois by the fabulous Deven Green. We wanted to keep it simple and fun, so to celebrate we went out for a romantic dinner and then caught a movie.

Today we reflect on our podcast wedding and celebration afterwards. Plus, all the hot news.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 2

FOF #1827 – Pat Yourself on the Backtivism

Whenever something awful happens in the big bad world, people inevitably turn to the internet to vent their anger. Although some may dismiss intensely political updates as pointlessly preaching to the choir, your online rants may actually change the hearts and minds.

Today comedian Brian Sweeney joins us to talk about the George Zimmerman acquittal, Trayvoning as the new planking, and why people’s anger online serve makes the world a more just place.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 5

FOF #1658 – 75 Ridiculous Sex Acts Your Grandmother Wants You to Try

We’ve been told that our podcast is a lot like Cosmopolitan magazine, if it was written by bunch of drunk guys. But if you followed most of their sex advice, you’d put your partner in the hospital. What are these gals drinking? The hilarious Jeffrey Jay joins us to take a look at some of Cosmopolitan magazine’s most outrageous sex advice, which sounded like good ideas, until somebody got hurt.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 3

PHOTO: Giant Portrait of Steve Jobs Done with Post-It Notes

Touching, beautiful and digital. Although you’ve seen many of the make-shift Steve Jobs memorials found at Apple Retail stores around the world, one group has taken it to the next level at the Munich, Germany […]

Posted in: Images, Technology 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Steve Jobs Narrates Here’s to the Crazy Ones

Steve Jobs also narrated this version of Apple’s famous Think Different ad in 1997 that never aired. It remains to this day one of my personal favorites and represents his vision (and mine) for a different way of thinking.

Posted in: People, Technology, Videos 13 years ago 1

People Respond to Steve Jobs’ Death with Images

People are responding to Apple former CEO Steve Jobs with images posted to their social networks. Here are a few I have found but I’m sure more of these will be pouring in as day […]

Posted in: Technology 13 years ago 3

FOF #1454 – Say Goodbye to Steve Jobs

Today we salute one of the greatest inventors, tycoons and people of the 20th and 21st century, Steve Jobs. The man who had us say hello to the iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes died from complications from a rare form of pancreatic cancer, he was 56.

The future arrived thanks in great part to Steve Jobs.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast, Technology 13 years ago 15

VIDEO: Apple Store in Germany Gets Pranked

I hope they had a good laugh over it.

Posted in: Technology, Videos 13 years ago 3

Protest Apple’s Sponsorship of Anti-Gay Phone App!

The notorious anti-gay organization “Exodus International” — which says lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people can and should be made heterosexual through prayer — has launched an I-Phone app designed to popularize its messages of […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Politics & Activism, Technology 14 years ago 4