Here's the latest in the tag fausto fernos

Photo: Happy New Year

Have a great New Year everyone!

Posted in: Images 14 years ago 7

Video From the Lady Gaga Yard Sale!

Fausto and Marc sell their life at the Lady Gaga Yard Sale September 12, 2010.  — Camera and editing by Jason Smith.

Posted in: About the FOF, Drag & Trans, Videos 14 years ago 7

An Interview With Fausto Fernos

Check out the link to the article to read about the past, present, and future of the FoF show.  A 2 part interview featuring Fausto Fernos.

In Space Everybody Can Hear You Podcast (In Memory of My Father)

Happy Father’s Day. I hope you enjoy reading about my unusual dad and his spectacular funeral service. Originally written for the Gay Bloggies 2007 competition.

Posted in: About the FOF 15 years ago 1

Scary, Beautiful Cartoon of Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion

Don’t we look lovely? Gay Chicago Magazine posted a political cartoon of us by a mysterious man they call Gabe. I’m not sure they got my ears right, but Marc’s Groucho Marx-like eyebrows are spot […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Images, Media Mentions, News & Rumors 15 years ago 16

“50 F*ggots” Documentary Series Focuses on Effeminate Gay Men

What does it mean to be a sissy or considered a “f*ggot” of your own gay community? Marc & Fausto are featured as part of the Season One cast in the ethnographic documentary series, “50 […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, People, Politics & Activism, Videos 15 years ago 1

Queerty’s Take on the SXSW Panel

How Can We Shift the Focus of Queer Media From Homophobes and Lady Gaga To Actual LGBTs? by Daniel Villarreal Looking around the SXSW Interactive’s first-ever LGBT panel, “Engaging the Queer Community”, [sic] I saw […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Media Mentions 15 years ago 0

VIDEO: Fabulous Clips from Our Live Show at Steamworks

In cased you missed the live taping of our podcast from Steamworks, Chicago photographer Jason Smith put together this high definition assortment of clips from the event.

The video imagery is luscious, and it’s always a great whenever we can incorporate George Takei into the video.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Live Shows, Video Podcast, Videos 15 years ago 7

PHOTO: Fierce Aquatic Gagaesque Steamworks Photo of Fausto Fernós by Curtis Jensen

There were a million lights and laughs at our live show Friday night at Steamworks. Here is one amazing photo of Fausto taken by Curtis Jensen. Stay tuned, more to come!

Posted in: About the FOF, Culture & Style, Images 15 years ago 9

VIDEO BLOG: Happy Birthday Marc and Michael

A birthday celebration between two friends, Marc and Michael goes into a dark place as they blow out the candles.

Posted in: Video Podcast, Videos 15 years ago 8