Here's the latest in the tag internet

FOF #2732 – Karen From Finance Wants to Speak to the Internet’s Manager

A strange trend is emerging online- folks are posting memes of unlikeable women causing trouble and labeling them with the name: Karen.

Today Australia’s lovable drag queen, Karen from Finance, joins us to talk about the rise of Karen mockery and how she’s dealing with the influx of Karen memes stuffing her inbox.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2491 – Your Instagram Is Terrible

We all have those friends we love in real life, but their online personality sucks- whether it’s thousands of the same old selfie, tin foil hat fear fantasies or endless promotions to shows you have no way of attending, their social media feed is chock full of not so tasty nuts.

Are we the monsters that we fear in others?

Today, comedian Cody Melcher joins us to take a deeper look at why we’re all sharing such embarrassing stuff about ourselves on the Internet.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 7 years ago 1

FOF #2154 – Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dixie

Come and get it! Our first episode of Cooking with Drag Queens is up and folks are devouring it.

Today Dixie Lynn Cartwright joins us to talk about the things that didn’t make into the soup- her father’s true relationship with Elvis, her twin brother who is a Christian minister and more about Dixie’s adorable boyfriend actor Curtis Jackson.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 9 years ago 2

BREAKING NEWS: Video of Alleged Child Abuse by Texas Judge

Before you click the link and watch the video: TRIGGER WARNING for those sensitive to the sounds and imagery of emotional and physical violence. This video has gone viral and Twitter especially is aflame with […]

Posted in: News & Rumors 13 years ago 4

FOFA #1319 – Trends And Predictions for 2011

Tell us what we got right so far from this show in January where we predict “what 2011 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines in 2010 and warping them into the future. Ripsters, GagaFlauge, Micro-Fruits, Cash Cats and Temporary Face Lifts, all coming your way.”

Joining us is LA based puppet artist Marsian Delellis- described as “a crazy hall of mirrors on which society can see itself.”

Posted in: Artists, Classic Podcasts, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 3

Man Arrested After Wife Poses as Teen on Facebook

Amazing news story! Man Arrested After Wife Poses as Teen on Facebook Apparantly this woman decided to create a fake profile and sign on to Facebook to get some information about what her husband was […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Technology 13 years ago 0

FOF #1319 – Trends And Predictions for 2011

Today we predict what 2011 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines in 2010 and warping them into the future. Ripsters, GagaFlauge, Micro-Fruits, Cash Cats and Temporary Face Lifts, all coming your way.

Joining us is LA based puppet artist Marsian Delellis- described as “a crazy hall of mirrors on which society can see itself.”

Posted in: Podcast 14 years ago 21

Internet vs. Real Life W/ Megan and Lynn

This video, from, is a new series by two long-time lesbian friends who finally meet in person. How will they do? Is the internet actually a substitute for real life? Could these girls be […]

Posted in: Technology, video 14 years ago 2

VIDEO: Understanding the Internet Fail!!

Forget the Rainbowman. Kerligirl13 is the newest internet meme. Kerligirl13 is a young girlnamed Jessi Slaughter between the aproximate age of 11-14 that has been known as a “slut”, “white trash”, a “whore”, a “baby”, […]

Posted in: Embed, People, Videos 14 years ago 14

The Internet is Your Vice

The internet can be addicting…come on, you know it is! So creative genius Patrick Moberg has taken those sites on the web that we love so much and made a fair comparison to their drug […]

Posted in: Social Media 14 years ago 0