Here's the latest in the tag military

VIDEO: Male Bonding

Wanna make those miliary boys stick together, gay or straight? Do what the Chinese military does- Throw them out in a cold night without any clothese on. See how they cuddle and rub each other […]

Posted in: Hunks, Videos 14 years ago 9

VIDEO: Gay, Military Romeo & Juliet (or Julian)

This is a gay Romeo & Juliet set in a military academy. According to Towleroad, the filmmakers are looking for a distributor right now.  It looks kinda sweet and even better if you like the […]

Posted in: Embed, Hunks, Movies 14 years ago 4

VIDEO: Military Catch Guy Peeing in Infrared

A good use of your tax dollars for military training, here’s an awesome video of some guys taping their friend peeing in infrared. At 0:23 he flips the bird to the camera.

Posted in: Technology, Videos 14 years ago 3

IMAGE: Joke of the Day

A friend in Australia sent this to me!

Posted in: Divas 14 years ago 2

Eat it, critics, OutServe HAS established chapters!

Without mentioning any names, someone voiced a little problem last week with a blog I posted at Bilerico a few months ago about the establishment of a new grassroots, safe and confidential network for gay, […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Kirk and Giannoulias: a clear contrast

Last night in their ABC 7 Chicago WLS-TV televised debate, Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias were asked about both “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and marriage equality. Though Kirk has a point about Federal interference with […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Worldwide injunction on #DADT discharges–what now?

After feeling disappointed last month over the McCain-led Senate filibuster of the Defense BIll that would have repealed the military ban on openly gay servicemembers, the gay political blog world (talk about niche!) is abuzz […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 1

SNL Video begs question: is McCain the only American supporting DADT?

Is anyone but John McCain ACTUALLY in favor of keeping the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy? Listen to the audience just lap it up. In other news, the LGBT political community may have something other […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Topics 14 years ago 0

DADT isn’t dead–just sleeping!

It seems like we lost the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” fight yesterday but, its important to remember the bill isn’t dead. There was no vote on the bill including DADT repeal, just a vote to vote. Here’s the 411 on what we did and didn’t lose yesterday in the Senate.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 4


The repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” could start today–unless you ignore this! From Rex Wockner: * SENATE VOTE ON DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL REPEAL IN A LITTLE OVER TWO HOURS * VOTE IS TOO […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 2