Here's the latest in the tag star trek

FOF #2989 – Matt Brown Takes on the Dave Chappelle Controversy

You’ve probably already heard about the controversy or even weighed in on Dave Chappelle’s final comedy special for Netflix, The Closer, where the comedy legend spends most of the hour taking an irreverent and critical look at the collective struggle of LGBTQ folks.

Today comedian Matt Brown, Ms Brown if you’re nasty, joins us to take a look at Dave Chappelle’s comedy special “The Closer” and the surrounding controversy around his comments on LGBTQ plus folks and trans bodies.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2960 – Henry Cavill and the Superman Curse

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a curse? Doing something great often comes with a heavy burden, because when you’re seen as divine, people expect miracles all the time. Just like the actors who have played Jesus on TV or film, the people who brought Superman to life have often been plagued with terrible misfortune.

Today we’re taking a look at the Superman and the Jesus curse: the misfortune that follows actors who bring these “perfect” god-like figures to life for entertainment.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

Bonus: Silence Equals Death

In the mid 80s, a broken healthcare system and a government content with letting people die from AIDS forced artists to make art that challenged, inspired and aroused the public to change their views on LGBT folks, HIV & AIDS.

Today, we take a look at the future of LGBT rights by taking a look at the iconic artists collective that inspired a generation of people to act up, fight back and fight AIDS.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2911 – Checking Your Attitude for Gratitude

2020 has been a hell of a year. With the Covid pandemic raging on and Republicans pushing everything to the brink of collapse, it’s beyond ironic that the last show we did in 2019 with comedian Brian Sweeney was called “The Year of Hell” yet this year is definitely worse, or is it?

After all there’s nothing so rotten, that some good can’t come from it, we’ve had a pretty good election and with Georgia’s January runoff, progressive superstar Stacy Abrahms is now a key figure in the balance of power between Americans and facism.

Today our favorite grouch Brian Sweeney joins us to look at things we’re grateful for that did come to pass in 2020.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF # 2870 – Ending the Gay Blood Ban

Considering how important it is to give blood, every donor should be greeted with a pizza party when they give a pint of blood to a complete stranger.

Instead, some blood donors still get turned away if they answer yes to being men who have sex with other men.

Today gay rights activist JD Miller joins us to look at why the ban on gay blood donation persists even with its devastating impact on everyone’s health.

Posted in: Artists/Designers, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2806 – Matt Brown Takes On Whitney Houston’s Ex Lover

Seven years after Whitney Houston’s death, Robyn Crawford has a new book- A Song For You: My life with Whitney Houston, where she finally sheds light on her relationship with the singer and what she thinks really ruined Whitney’s life.

Today comedian Matt Brown takes a look at Robyn Crawford’s new book and other wild celebrity stories from Richard Gere’s gerbil rumor to Rod Stewart’s Goblet of Man Juice, and who started them and why.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2805 – Pissi Myles Goes to Washington

Pundits are calling the impeachment hearings a circus, so there had to be a clown – enter drag queen Pissi Myles who put a little pizzazz into politics by covering the hearings in full drag for the Happs News channel. At over six feet tall with big hair and heels, Pissi caused quite a sensation when she went through security to talk to the nation’s representatives.

Today award winning drag queen Pissi Myles joins us to talk about her experience becoming “The Impeachment Queen.”

Posted in: Comedians, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 5 years ago 3

We Boldly Went There – What the Trek? #15

The first season of of Star Trek: Discovery is all wrapped up: the Klingon war is over, Michael Burnham is back on top and we even treated to an encounter with the original starship Enterprise.

What the Trek? Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Movies, Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

Dancing with Devil – What the Trek? #14

Sometimes a hug can be the difference between life and death – in the latest episode of Star Trek: Discovery “The War Without, The War Within,” Burnham hugs the emperor back to Discovery before it schlepps back to the real universe.

What the Trek? Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

The Mirror Has Two Faces – What the Trek? #13

Mirror universe plotlines on Star Trek can be a lot of fun for the fans as they get to see the actors they love pitted against each other and if one of them dies, we are ok with it because it was just the lousy mirror version them anyway.

What the Trek?! Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0