Here's the latest in the tag vine

FOF #2197 – One Hundred Wigs

On August 1, comedian Meg Grunewald celebrated her 100th character and her one year anniversary on Vine, the 6 second video sharing app where folks mostly post wacky clips of themselves yelling at the camera.

Today Meg joins us to talk about how she took her wig collection and became an internet celebrity on Vine

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 10 years ago 5

FOF #2169 – Lucky Charms

Times are changing- more than 1.2 million people in Ireland voted for Marriage Equality, in what was once a very staunch Catholic country. The Vatican called the unprecedented vote a “defeat for humanity. Meanwhile, Irish American Vice President Joe Biden, said the U.S. and the world “needs to follow Ireland’s lead.”

Joining us today is Vine comedy superstar Meg Grunewald, who impressive range of characters have made her one of the top video bloggers on the micro-video sharing app.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 10 years ago 4

FOF #2139 – Six Seconds of Fame

Comedian Meg Grunewald does Crossfit in a wig and costume because it’s the only way to hide from the cult and still get a workout in. Not really, she does it to entertain her massive following on Vine, the app that let’s you be the star of your own show in six second allotments of time.

Our guest today is the very funny Meg Grunewald, best known for creating over 87 unique characters that she puts on display for her 18,000 followers on Vine.

VIDEO: John Stamos’ Hot Gay Kiss

Vine superstar Jerome Jarre prank kisses John Stamos and John returns the favor by spitting Greek yogurt into the kid’s mouth. Maybe. Or it could just be a simple kiss.

Posted in: Videos 11 years ago 2

FOF #1984 – Tattoo You

Although 45 million people in the U.S. have at least one tattoo, many face discrimination even when those modifications are not visible and the job doesn’t require any interaction with the public.

Our guest today is Vine celebrity Michael Phoenix, whose six second erotic videos got shut down. Michael is also an avid body modifier, with 25 tattoos and having had over 100 piercings throughout his life.

Listen as Michael Phoenix talks with us about the late tattooed celebrity Stalking Cat, mutilation, modification and social media discrimination.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Video Bloggers 11 years ago 0

FOF #1860 – Bears! Bears! Bears!

Of all the attempts to capture the elusive gay bears in a song, nobdy’s done a better job of celebrating bears than Tom Goss- who’s fun video is a hit.

Today we’re treated to a live music session with Tom Goss, just him and his guitar playing new songs from his upcoming album, including his new hit, Bears!

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Podcast 11 years ago 6

FOF #1780 – Zooey Deschanel is Not a Terrorist

The world held its breath as authorities successfully captured the second suspected Boston Marathon Bomber alive on Friday.

During the manhunt, FOX news which is neither foxy nor news, misatakenly identified actress and ukulele enthusiast Zooey Deschanel as one of the suspected bombers in a close caption.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 1