FOF #1594 – Tennessee Loveless’ Strange World of Color
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Tennessee Loveless, a rising star in the modern pop art world talks about how he makes his paintings without being able to fully see his color choices since he was born colorblind.
WOW! What a great show, and what a sexy guy. Fascinating interview. Thanks guys.
I disagree. When I see Mickey Mouse, I think of a greedy multi-national corporation. When I see the flag, I think of jingoistic American nationalism.
I’m not sure I believe he is technically color blind. I don’t believe a color blind person would describe warm colors as warm or cool colors as cool. Not understanding what colors go together does not color blind make.
Totally understand that most people are not going to share the same sentiment on the symbology of Mickey Mouse’s icon representation. However I will let you know that I have painted him in the likeness of what you are talking about.
I appreciate the comments, and hope you kind of get an understanding of where I come from.
I’ll totally check out Jordan Thomas, thanks for sharing that info, as I’m always down to check out peoples work that are local.
You may not considered it colorblindness but medical professionals certainly do. Here’s the specific type-
More specifically the type is (BCM) Blue Cone Monochromatism, and many of us describe colors the same way.
Well, I learned something new today. It is a good day.
The art is quite colorful by the way. I like it.
You might check out Jordan Thomas. Local (OC) artist. Not your style but think you might like. Beautiful abstract landscapes. Lots of color and texture.
I will do a Cathulu picnic with all of you – and I guarantee it will get you laid. This is was a very smart, insightful, educational conversation. I am actually going to listen to it again! You 3 are great together!
I am having trouble following your logic. Your assumptions are dismissive and uneducated. Did you even get any input your another colorblind person or read up on it before posting? I think you didn’t do your due diligence.
I can attest he is in fact colorblind. I am a witness of someone who struggled to learn the concepts when everyone pretty much did their best to convince him he could never be an artist due to his colorblindness. I’ve seen his progress. I remember years ago of him trying to memorize colors by their code and he did. I’ve never seen someone work so hard or dedicated to perfect his craft.
I hope this is not a pattern to attack people by simply stating you don’t believe in their illness. I hope you learn from it.
For the record, I am a very lucky person to witness his dedication, seeing him stay up late drawing or writing…never giving up. He is and has been my inspiration and I look up to him, he’s my brother.
Already admitted my mistake. More than happy to stipulate my ignorance. Shall I carve out my own eyes in penance, now?
Calm down, girlfriend. Let’s all smoke a spliff and chill out.
smiley face
Fun show!
How about at least thinking before you post? I don’t need a spliff to be a thoughtful person. Maybe you should take a toke before you post.
There is nothing more ridiculous than a common layperson who lets his politics blind and dismiss a medical condition. In fact, it is quite sad.
I don’t need you to gouge your eyes mister oh so dramatic… is clear you don’t have insight period. Clear and perfect eyesight is a luxury and you carry it around thoughtlessly.
This is amazing, but a lot of the theory is flawed as is his story! But if impossibly true, beautiful images!
Dawn, I don’t know or really care what you do for a living, but I do know this you are not color blind I will tell you this….it is all true. I am his older sister by 7 years, I saw every chance to tell him to being deinied to be in fine arts and even in grade school…..he painted in blck and white….and there was so much more…he memorized colors. He had people to explan it to him….if you saw a start it is gorgeously mathematical. My brother is more than color blind, he is a wonderful great person who has fought so hard to share his work. I think you should know
tell you are ignoreant and don’t see what people fight for to be anything to make a living.
I witnessed his road and if you did, you would hold your tongue.