FOF #1690 – Obama Nails It
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Obama wins in a landslide! We like to think it it was our Rainbow Obama Unicorn t-shirts that nailed it for the President.
Listen as the awesome Brian Sweeney joins us to take at look at the election results which are thankfully finally over. Plus- Lady Gaga throws Adele under bus and an airport in the UK is using Tina Turner’s music to scare off birds.
Proudly wearing my FOF Obama shirt today! I will listen to the show in a few hours. (What a relief.)
The most fun last night was watching the Fox News anchors meltdown when Obama got re-elected, Priceless!
This was one of the best podcasts! Luckily I downloaded it just before a flight on the day after elections. I laughed all of the way to my destination. The people around me must have thought I was crazy. Loved it!
This photo came up after the election in Germany. Mitt means “with” in German, ohne means “without”. 🙂
The t-shirt orders in New Zealand came from us, y’all! 😉 Represent!
So how does Obama’s cock taste after being in our ass for four years?