Here's the latest in the tag anderson cooper

FOF #1746 – You Think Everyone is Gay

As hard as it is to imagine, at one point in time people thought that certain celebrities who are now seen as very gay were straight.

Well, almost everyone. Gay people have always been good at spotting their own in the limelight because we need to find each other in the wild. Today Brian Sweeney is coming out– of his house and over to our studio to blow– the lid off the strange history of celebrities coming out gay.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 0

VIDEO: Anderson and Andy Chomp Down on a Giant Gummy Snake

It’s nice to see the hoity toity Anderson Cooper cut loose and chomp down on a giant gummy snake. I agree with Anderson Cooper, this could be the making of a porn video.

Posted in: People, Videos 12 years ago 0

FOF #1638 – Gay Icon

For years we’ve crowned fabulous dames like Judy, Barbara, and Oprah, but times are changing and gay men are now embracing other dudes like Ben Cohen Christiano Ronaldo and Bruce Vilanch.

Gay icons now can be bros who embrace ther ‘mos, like our friend, comedian Brian Sweeney.

Posted in: Podcast 13 years ago 0

FOF #1635 – Hey Girl, It’s Paul Ryan

Hey girl, did you hear? Over the weekend, Mitt Romney announced his BFF, the ultraconservative U.S. Representative Paul Ryan.

Today the very funny James Fritz shares his outrageous joke on Rick Santorum sexual appetite. Will Paul Ryan help Republicans, or is he just Sarah Palin in drag?

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 7

FOF #1456 – Vote for Feast of Fun

We’re delighted tobe nominated for the fifth year in a row for two People’s Choice Podcast Awards, in the GLBT category and in the top spot of People’s Choice.

Will this the year Feast of Fun finally wins the top prize of People’s Choice or will iTunes favorite gay podcast be forever doomed to be the Susan Lucci of the Podcast Awards?

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast 13 years ago 2

FOF #1437 – Slicing the September 11 Cake

It’s not easy to make sense of the events of September 11. Even ten years later we’re still struggling to understand why these terrorists committed this horrific act and how the United States respond to it.

One of the best ways to handle the immense tragedy is through humor because it lets us cope with the insurmountable.

Posted in: Podcast 13 years ago 7

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Anderson Cooper, Gay Isn’t One of Them

#1 on the list should read “I started coming out as gay in college.” FTFY (Fixed That For You Coop!) Anderson Cooper, our favorite silver spooned, silver fox newscaster is getting his own daytime talk […]

Posted in: Images, People 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Anderson Cooper Takes on Michele Bachmann’s Evasiveness Over Gay Issues

Why is Michele Bachmann being so evasive these days about LGBT issues when she clearly can rant on about them to her religious friends?

Posted in: Videos 14 years ago 9

FOF #1394 – Weiner Roast

While you were worrying about Weiner’s wang, a whole lot of stuff went down that the nation has mostly ignored. Judge Clarence Thomas accepts a 100k bribe, Net Neutrality is up for grabs and war marches on in the middle east with the number of deaths till piling up.

Can our democracy handle its insatiable hunger for sex scandals?

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast 14 years ago 9

FOF #1380 – Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

CNN anchor-stud Anderson Cooper is rumored to officially and finally come out of the closet as a gay man, as soon as next week just in time for Pride — with a series of interviews with over a dozen major celebrities doing the same thing.

Don’t hold your breath, but it could be a very hot week on CNN. What will the mass exodus of celebrities coming out mean for you and me?

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast 14 years ago 11