Orson Scott Card Joins NOM, Pens Anti-Gay Rewrite of Hamlet
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Oh, dear. The noted author of Ender’s Game has come out in recent years as extremely opposed to marriage equality and queer folks in general (for religious reasons, of course, with a heaping side helping […]
The publishing company Subterranean Press (who reveal that this short story is in fact a reprint from a year or two ago) had the decency to respond to people’s angry emails about this, although it’s a bit hand-wavy and they don’t say they’ll never print Card’s work again. At least they acknowledge that they’ve heard people out, and are willing to keep hearing from them, which is better than nothing. Still, yes, barf. :p
I’ve always hated Orson Scott Card. I’ve always thought he was a terrible writer and never understood why people liked him. I never knew anything about him other than his bad prose. Now, I know. At least C.S. Lewis could write.