Here's the latest at Feast of Fun

FOF #2974 – David Wojnarowicz’s Art Against AIDS

At the height of the AIDS crisis of the late 80s, LGBTQ folks turned to creating art, performance and music to act-up, fight back and fight AIDS.

One of the most powerful voices during the AIDS crisis was David Wojnarowicz, an artist and activist who combined punk music, graffiti, performance, painting and photography into a body of work that celebrated the outsider while speaking out against a hateful government that allowed thousands of Americans to die from AIDS.

Today we’re talking to filmmaker Chris McKim about his new film Wojnarowicz: F**k You F*ggot F**ker which takes us on a thrilling journey through the AIDS epidemic as David Wojnarowicz weaponized his work to wage war on the establishment.

Posted in: Filmmakers, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2973 – Queer Nightlife Around the World

It’s hard to talk about the lives of LGBTQ+ people without talking about the nightlife scene where so many folks find their home. But for all the attention focused on Stonewall, Fire Island or PTown, most of queer experience, especially for trans and people of color, exists in spaces that most don’t even know about.

Today Kareem Khubchandani, author of Ishtyle: Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife joins us to look at queer nightlife and spaces all around the world.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

FOF #2972 – The Legal Battle to Free Britney Spears

After the “Free Britney Movement” got new life with her heartbreaking plea to a judge about ending the conservatorship placed over her, we’re all left wondering why Britney wasn’t set free immediately? Why did her own lawyer quit? What’s next for Britney?

Believe it or not, this legal case may impact all of us.

Today writer Aron Solomon joins us to took at Britney Spears’ legal woes and the #freeBritney movement after her shocking testimony where she asked the judge to send her father and his team to jail for forcing her into what she describes as shocking and abusive conservatorship.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

FOF #2971 – A Covid Nurse’s Tale of the Pandemic

Why are folks still not wanting to get a covid vaccine? Some of these people say “you just don’t know what’s in it” are also the folks who will happily swallow a fistful of Oxycodone or take some Ecstasy they found on the floor of a nightclub.

Now if a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, maybe we can reach the holdouts by offering free drugs with every vaccination?

Today comedian Carma Nibarger joins us to talk about her experience working as a nurse during the Covid Pandemic at a Chicago hospital where almost 100% of all patients were being treated for Covid infections.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2970 – America’s Got Talent’s Danger Duo Momma Gigi Deluxe

The headline read: “Simon Cowell Fears The Worst If This Mother/Daughter Danger Act Goes Wrong.” Now we knew they wouldn’t show on America’s Got Talent our friend Gigi Deluxe shooting an arrow straight through her daughter’s head, but Gigi’s friends still held their breath as she shot arrows through balloons, inches away from her daughter’s face.

Today Gigi Deluxe, the Danger Duo momma from America’s Got Talent joins us to look at shooting arrows at her daughter on national TV, how she knows her aim is straight and what she thought of Howie Mandell who didn’t like her act.

Posted in: Artists, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2969 – Comedian Julia Scotti is Funny That Way

In the 80s, Julia was a regular alongside other comedy legends like Ellen DeGeneres and Jerry Seinfeld. Julia’s raunchy humor was a hit on cable TV and she regularly opened for the day’s top musical acts.

At the time, Julia identified as male but in 2000, she left comedy to begin her transition and to find a more stable career. Now at the age of 63, Julia’s going back to her lifelong passion- stand-up comedy.

The new documentary ““Julia Scotti: Funny That Way” takes us on Julia’s journey back into the comedy spotlight as a sensation on America’s Got Talent

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2967 – The Legendary Adventures of Kelly Lauren

The term legend gets tossed around a lot in reference to drag entertainers, but it certainly fits the bill for the legendary Kelly Lauren. For over forty years, Kelly has been in a fixture in the drag scene. And she’s a winner baby! Kelly Lauren’s been crowned Miss Gay Houston, Miss Texas-USofA and the one crown to rule them all – Miss Continental.

Kelly surprises and delights audiences with vampish ways and dirty dirty blond onstage antics that comes across as a delirious fun fusion, if Stevie Nicks was a Las Vegas showgirl.

Today the legendary Kelly Lauren joins us in the home studio to take a look at her real life as a trans woman working in showbiz in a drag race world.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2967 – Matt Brown Returns to Give You Gay Pride

As America starts to nervously open up and hopefully overcome the Covid pandemic, it’s good to know that some things never change: Feast of Fun is still going strong and the outrageous comedian Matt Brown is back in person to give you a full dose of Gay Pride you didn’t think you could handle.

Today, we are back in the home studio, in-person, face to face with comedian Ms Brown, Matt Brown if you’re nasty, and let’s face it, who isn’t?

Listen as we take a look at Matt’s captivating Joan Crawford inspired eyebrows and all the sizzling hot news

Today, we open up the home studio back to in-person guests with comedian Ms Brown, Matt Brown if you’re nasty, and let’s face it, who isn’t?

Listen as we take a look at Matt’s captivating Joan Crawford inspired eyebrows and all the sizzling hot news.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2966 – Happy Daddy’s Day Bill Cruz

Happy Daddy’s Day! We’re all father figures to somebody! For comedian Bill Cruz, who was one of the first openly Latinx gay comedians on the comedy scene- you can call him papi!

Covid’s been a tough gig for most comedians. Bill says that now that live shows are happening again, it feels almost like starting all over.

Today our dear friend comedian Bill Cruz, joins us to look at getting his groove back this Father’s Day and how folks are reacting to Latinx representation in films like In The Heights and West Side Story.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2965 – The TV Variety Shows that Inspired Sherry Vine

One of our favorite things that pulled us through the last year was Sherry Vine and Jackie Beat’s parodies of sitcoms as if they had taken place during the covid pandemic. It’s been such a hit, Sherry Vine’s back with her twisted sisters bringing the laughs and cornball musical numbers with The Sherry Vine Variety Show on OutTV.

Today Sherry Vine joins us to take a look at our favorite prime time TV variety shows from the 70s and how they inspired her to bring The Sherry Vine Variety Show to life.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 3 years ago 0